No Magic for “Making Time”

In Writer’s Digest the author tells me I have to “make time to write every day” if I truly want to be a better writer.  At the gym, the poster tells me I have to “make time for regular physical activity” if I want to be healthy, and when I get home I remember my promise to myself that I would “make more time” for my marriage.  Then when I help my daughter with her homework, I remember I was planning on “making time” to talk with my other daughter about her college applications, and then I also remember promising my mother I would “make time” to help her with writing some important checks.  Experts, including our own inner critic, are all so quick to tell us that if we value something, we can “find the time” to do it.clock

So what magic potion am I missing?  What sorcerers spell or witch’s brew do others seem to have that I don’t that can put more hours in the day?  When I look at the clock, I just can’t do the math to add up enough time for all that I want to do.  Not to mention how to do this along with the other things I have to do, like my job, grocery shop, cook, clean up, and drive my daughter to practice.  How do I possibly make time for all of these important things?  And truly, just because I can’t figure out how, does not mean these things are not important to me.

I hear this same complaint from a lot of other people.  There is simply not enough time to do all things we have to do, so fitting in all the things we want to do feels impossible.  Telling myself I have to “make time” simply “makes me” feel guilty.  It also makes me feel sad, overwhelmed, and incredibly stressed.  It takes the joy out of life as I rush to fit things in or if I skip something and feel badly about it.  Particularly when we’re trying to make changes in our lives, such as taking better care of our health, learning a new skill, or taking on a new responsibility, this edict that you can “make time if it is important to you,” can really be demoralizing.

The fact is, it’s not healthy or productive for you to miss sleep to wake up at 5 am to exercise if you’re already exhausted, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want to be committed to an exercise plan.  And you simply can’t justify ignoring your family when they need you in the evening to make sure you write every day, but that doesn’t mean you don’t really want to improve.  Even though I know it’s true that we have to prioritize and make space for new or important activities, I also think we have to be realistic about the truths of our lives.  The fact is, on any given day, we are a complex patchwork of needs and values.  Most people simply can’t have it all, at least not all at one time.  Sometimes we have to let go of or alter some of our goals or intentions in order to make room for others.  Instead of trying to vertically squish more into a calendar day, we may serve ourselves best by spreading it out horizontally over time.

In making changes that will last, we have to be mindful of our true capacity.  We have to think in the long term, balancing what desires and demands we face right now.  Sometimes we have to ask someone we love to be patient with us, as we take on another priority for a while.  Or, we may have to put off one priority until we can get a handle on a more pressing one.  Maybe last year you trained for a a 10K, but this year you have to walk instead of run for exercise because you don’t have the time to change, run, and shower and get to the class you need to take to further your career?

Stress management and healthy living is less about packing our days full of priorities, and more about mindfully balancing them throughout our lives.  Having the flexibility to accommodate shifting priorities is a life skill that takes time to learn and a dose of wisdom from experience to implement.  But letting go of the judgmental voices that tell us that we should be doing more when we know we can’t is a lifestyle change worth “making time” for.

Help for Helplessness


When bad things happen to us or the people we love, it’s normal to feel down and frustrated.  But when really bad things happen, or when a number of bad things occur that seem to add up, we can become paralyzed by feelings of helplessness.  Losing our sense of control over what matters to us most can be emotionally devastating.   Research shows it can actually put our mental and physical health at risk.  Fortunately, in working with some inspiring people and getting through my own periods of helplessness, I have been encouraged by noticing some shifts we can make that seem to help transform feelings of helplessness and increase our resilience.

Back in school, I was fortunate enough to study with Martin Seligman, a brilliant research psychologist who discovered a phenomenon he called “learned helplessness.”  While he was working on an experiment, he observed an unusual finding.  Dogs that were given a shock quickly learned that they could avoid the shock by jumping over a barrier to escape it.  But dogs who previously had been given shocks that they could not escape, didn’t learn how to escape, because they didn’t even try.  These dogs simply lied down and trembled, assuming there was nothing they could do to alleviate the pain.  The dogs exhibited symptoms of doggy-depression, resigned to endure their suffering.  Even when encouraged with rewards, the dogs did not move.  They had learned to be helpless.  Seligman actually had to physically drag the dogs across the barrier many times for the dogs to discover that there was something they could do to help themselves.

Fortunately, I started working on research with Marty when he began to apply his research to people.  He found that just like the dogs, people are at risk of depression when they’re exposed to stressors they cannot escape.  Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Theory of Depression has received a lot of support as one of the risks for and mechanisms of depression.   Having little control over events in our lives not only causes us to feel sad and hopeless, but we lose the ability to take the steps we can to help ourselves.  This in turn, fuels the depression and causes us to stay trapped in a negative cycle.

So how do we overcome helplessness?  Just like the dogs, we have to drag ourselves over the barrier.  We have to make ourselves take action, even if it’s in our attitude.  One way to do this is by choosing acceptance.  This may seem paradoxical, but it’s actually quite powerful.  Rather than resigning ourselves to be a victim, we can work toward the goal of acceptance, which puts our minds and hearts into action.  In choosing to work toward acceptance, we move forward to engage in coping.  We recognize that there are things in life that happen to us that we cannot control, but that we can do things to cope.  This shift helps engage us in the healing process of grieving, first by acknowledging what happened, and then feeling the sadness, anger, and disruption in the loss of what we once had.  In choosing a path of acceptance, we can reach out for support and talk about what happened, giving ourselves the permission and motivation to be active in identifying and taking care of our needs.

It is no accident that the first step for a member in Alcoholics Anonymous is admitting that you are powerless.  This acceptance helps you move into the activities of the next 11 steps.  But as I often say that change is a process, so is acceptance.  It takes time and effort.  But in working through our responses to the bad things that happen to us in life as a process of acceptance, rather than a passive life of endurance, we put ourselves in charge again.  I have been remarkably inspired in watching people who are confronted by the most challenging circumstances demonstrate the most amazing humility and resourcefulness through acceptance.  A man I knew whose wife had cancer put it best.  He said, “I’ve been sitting around asking why this happened.  But then last night I just told myself there was nothing I could do about it, so why not take her out dancing.”

The Readiness Ruler: Measuring Your Needs

A great tool used in working with change is called a Readiness Ruler.  It is a quick scale to help you evaluate where you are in your process regarding a particular change.  On the scale of 0 to 10, you honestly estimate your readiness.  There is no right or wrong answer.  It is meant to be a check-in on your readiness at this moment in time.   0 means “no way I can’t even think about it right now,” and 10 means, “I am ready to get started.”   Once you circle your number on theruler, there are a set of questions you ask yourself that will help support potential movement toward your goal, starting right where you are. the-magic-of-behavior-change-handout-23-728Questions To Consider:

What made you pick the number you did?   What are the reasons to stay the same?  (There are usually good reasons why we do what we do)  What are the reasons to change?  Then, depending on your number, ask yourself the following:

0 – 3:  What would need to happen for me to consider this change in the future?

In this range you recognize you have little desire or energy to make the change right now.  In this stage, it might be helpful to consider what circumstances might increase your readiness.  This might be reaching a certain point (such as a certain weight or level on a health measure), an event (such as having a child), or a time period (such as after finishing a semester or reaching a certain age).

4 – 6:  What might be my next step?

In this range you have some motivation and feel somewhat ready, so it’s time to put together a concrete plan.  You might do some research and gather information (nutrition, resources, options) or you might begin to reach out for support.  The key to this stage is to develop a specific plan, so that if you were ready to take some action, you would know what to do.  Making your plan is a beginning action that moves you toward your goal.

7 – 10:  What might be an action step?  What will help me be successful?

In this range, you are ready to take some direct action.  Looking at your plan, what next step can you make?  What can you do to best support yourself to give you the best chance to succeed?  This might be to journal your actions, give yourself a reward, tell someone about your actions, and even ask someone to do it with you.

No matter where you are on the ruler, research shows that just by using this tool, you will be more likely to move toward your goal. Knowing yourself and being honest about your readiness can help you plan the next step, or even decide when a good time might be to take a next step.  Readiness can shift up and down at points in the future. Using the ruler helps bring self-awareness to your current situation and clarify what might be helpful to move forward.  In contemplating the questions that go along with the phase you are in, you shine a light on the path ahead that leads toward your goal.

The Story We Tell Ourselves

It’s surprising how people who seem so sweet and rational, when upset, can do the most outrageous things.  In describing what happened, they often pinpoint something that someone did that suddenly provoked their behavior.  “When he did that, I just lost it,” is a common phrase.  But for people with anger issues, despite the feeling that their eruptions are caused by something that someone else did, it’s usually not the full explanation.  More commonly, it’s not really what someone did, but the story they tell themselves about it, that is the real root of their reactivity.story

A woman I recently worked with was furious when she read a text by her husband when she was driving home from work.  Her husband had written that he was worried about paying their mortgage that month and wanted to spend some time reviewing their finances when she got home.  As she drove, my client became increasingly upset.  By the time she walked in the door she was furious at her husband, yelling at him about him wanting to grill her about her spending.  She pulled her checkbook from her purse and threw it across the table at him and stormed out of the room.  What had happened?  At first she blamed her husband’s text for making her angry.  But after we explored it, what actually had made her mad was the story she had told herself about her husband’s text.  Just the week before she had spent some extra money on shoes and a present for her sister.  She felt somewhat guilty about the purchases, knowing they were a bit of an indulgence.  When she received his text, she jumped to the conclusion that he was upset about her spending and was planning on “grilling her” about her spending.  In fact, when they finally talked about their spending, he was more concerned about why their electric bill had been so high.

Our interpretation of what happens in our lives is just as important, if not more important, than what actually happens.  The good news is that we can work with our interpretations.  As the phrase goes, “we can’t control what happens, only our reactions to what happens.”   Often, when we consistently overreact to situations, it’s because we have developed certain patterns in how we interpret events based on painful experiences from the past.  You might jump to conclusions that others are out to take advantage of you.  Or you may tend to feel that you always have to defend yourself from being critisized.  In addition, we also develop certain pattern with certain people, like our siblings or partners triggering certain reactions in us.  These patterns, while usually having some basis for how they developed, can be inappropriately infused in situations where our interpretation is based on our history rather than the current situation.  We create stories to fit our interpretation patterns that can get in the way of understanding the truth of a current situation, or at least in considering another person’s perspective.

Stepping back to look at our story is an important way of controlling our reactions, whether it’s jealousy, anxiety, or having our feelings hurt.  Especially for people who tend to have anger issues, taking the time to see what may be the difference between what happened and what the story is we are telling ourselves about what happened, can be a great help.  Identifying what layers we may be adding, especially about people’s intentions, might just allow us to be more in control of our reactions, and ultimately happier!


Fitbits & Food Journals: Feedback Burn Out

I saw an article in the Business section of my local paper the other day regarding the stock value of the company Fitbit, which went public in June.  If you’re not already wearing one, a Fitbit device is an exercise tracking system worn on the wrist that counts steps, calories burned, heart rate, and even sleep.  The financial long term prediction for Fitbit, according to the financial expert, was not particularly positive, despite an initial run up in value.  The reason?  After loyally using them at first, most Fitbit consumers stopped wearing their wrist band by the 6 month mark.  After finding out how many steps or calories they burned in the first few weeks, Fitbit users no longer found the feedback useful or interesting anymore.

I thought about this article in light of what I know about change.  Research has tended to show the opposite effect.  “Self-monitoring,” as it is called, is usually one of the most helpful things to do when working towards a goal.  In fact, studies have shown that just by writing down everything you eat, people tend to lose weight.  Or by keeping a log of activity, people tend to exercise more.  Or keeping a spreadsheet of what tasks you have accomplished in completing a project helps to keep you on target.  Tracking what you do briprintable-charts-logs-food-log-1ngs awareness to your behavior.  It helps you identify your progress in reaching a goal and helps you stay on course.  Feedback regarding our actual behavior is motivating and provides useful accountability in working toward our goal one day at a time.

So, in the face of all this, and despite the eager attitude of Fitbit customers who have spent a fair amount of money, why are so many wristbands piling up in our homes?  The answer I think is burn out.  After the initial learning, we get tired of seeing the same information over and over again.  We already know how many steps we take in an average day or what our heart rate range tends to be.  There is nothing new to learn and so the information feels tiresome.  It may even be discouraging when our initial hopes for improving our effort plateaus.

Human nature tends to operate in a paradoxical way.  We actually fairly quickly adapt to changes in routines, while at the very same time we’re extremely attentive to what is new.  In fact, it’s just because we habituate to what is constant that we have the energy and mental alertness to perceive what is new.  If we had to constantly monitor everything, we would never notice a potentially useful or dangerous change that may be critical to our survival.  So once information becomes repetitive, it tends to lose its value in our priorities.

So, how do we avoid this feedback burn out?  The answer seems to involve keeping the information novel in some way by making it more lively and interactive.  One way to do this is to keep changing your goals.  Challenge yourself to do things in a different way each week.  Using the Fitbit example, one week try to set a new goal for your step count.  The next, see if you can increase the time you are in your heart rate range for cardiovascular health.  Or alternate weeks of using the Fitbit.  Another way to keep yourself engaged in feedback is to review your information with other people.  Using the food journal, for example, it might helpful to discuss your food log with a partner each week, reducing the urge to simply write things down (or even skip writing something down) without reflecting on your habits.  Talk with someone about your progress, your food habits, and your pitfalls.  And don’t forget rewards.  A great way to keep something interesting is if you have something invested in it.  Make a list of potential rewards and give them to yourself whenever you reach a milestone that is important for you.  Make the rewards meaningful and fun.

Change is a lot of work.  And to stay constant in our change, we have to keep change changing!

Coping “Tools”: Pressure Valves and Safety Nets

When you go through something challenging, it’s normal to have feelings that are “all over the map,” as they say.  This is especially true when you’re coping with the loss of something or someone you really care about.  During these times it’s so important to have people and places in your life where you can share and be totally open about your experience.   Although they can’t solve your problem, these connections actually serve as important coping tools, both as pressure valves that help you release what’s building up and as safety nets that support you during a time of instability.

Times of crisis bring a mix of emotion:  fear, sadness, hope, rage, and helplessness.  And even though you may have wonderful people in your life who want nothing more than to help you, not everyone close to you can tolerate feeling your feelings with you.  They may tell you things like “you shouldn’t think negatively,” when you express your fear, or “things happen for a reason” when you share how angry you are.  Because of their own emotional reactions, they just may not have the capacity to empathize along with you.  It can be confusing, even frustrating to be responded to in this way, but don’t let this shut you down or make you wonder if your feelings are wrong.

While of course there is benefit from positive thinking, speaking your fears will in no way cause them to come true.  In fact, what therapists and counselors know from experience is that talking about your sadness and fears actually helps you move through them and makes them more feel more manageable.  But you need to express yourself in an environment that is emotionally safe.  You may be lucky enough to know someone who can do this for you, already.  More often, though, you may have to ask for it directly.  People want to be helpful, so they’ll offer advice or give you their opinion about what you need to do.  Don’t be afraid to gently, but clearly, let them know that what you need is listening and understanding.  Reassure them that even though they may not feel that they are “doing” anything, they are, in fact, offering something of great significance.   safety_net

In some situations, in order to find your safety net you might need to share with people who aren’t so personally close to your situation or you may need to find people who have been through something similar to what you’re going through.  Support groups are a great place to find others who have the experience to understand what you feel, yet the distance to not take things personally.  They can offer insight and resources that may be right on target.  It is amazing how many support groups are out there if you start looking for them by asking local professionals or searching on the internet.  And you don’t have to have a mental health issue to seek therapy.  Therapists offer a place to “unpack,” as I like to call it, all of the emotions you carry when your journey takes you through difficult territory.

Having someone to share our burden with is healing.  It releases pent up emotion and helps us feel less alone.  So when you feel broken, or have the urge to fix someone you care about, remember that quiet listening (the pressure valve) and an authentic non-judgmental presence (the safety net) are often the best coping tools.


Life Lessons From Your Vacation

This past week I was on a family vacation that took us through many places in California, from tiny towns in the Eastern Sierra mountain range down to the big city of Los Angeles.  While going through each location my husband would pose the question, “Could you live here?”  It was fun to think about how each place would be so different and how this would match up with our personalities and desires.  It got me thinking about the opportunities that vacations can offer us to try on new ways of living and how we might use this information to make our every day lives more enjoyable.

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A first thing to consider is, where do you like to go?  Do you tend to go to quiet places that offer solitude and a slower pace, or do you tend to seek out places that are busy and loud?  Do you like to be in nature or do you like to see shows and museums?  Where we go to find rejuvenation (and with whom) can sometimes tell us what might be missing in our day to day lives or what we might want to do more of on a regular basis.  While we may not want to live in a tent, maybe some more time under the stars can be healing?  Or maybe savoring a vacation where meals or cleaning is taken care of might give you a clue as to how getting some help at home may reduce your daily overload?

And how about your mind set while on vacation?  Do you tend to take more risks and try new things that you wouldn’t normally do?  Or do you finally give yourself permission to NOT do anything –  lingering in bed, finishing your novel, or just being by yourself or with a loved one without interruption.  How does this attitude differ from the one you normally carry?  How would it be to adopt this attitude more frequently in your non-vacation time?

Often when you’re away from your normal busy life you gain perspective that you can’t achieve when you’re running on auto pilot.  Most people have insights and important thoughts about their work/life balance and priorities that get lost when they get home.  Don’t just let these thoughts get packed away with your suitcase when you return.  Write them down.  Read them over.  Post them somewhere, and even share them with someone who can help support you in incorporating your ideas.  You may find clarity in these words that can help keep you from getting pulled in to the status quo.  Maybe you’ll decide you do want to move to a new location to be near the ocean, or maybe you’ll just decide to find ways to bring the feeling of being at the ocean back home.  Whatever your vacation tells you, try to listen.  You may find valuable knowledge about yourself that can help bring more joy and meaning to wherever you are.



Riding The Stress Escalator

Sometimes a big event happens in your life that creates a lot of stress.  You lose sleep, worry, and clearly know that you have to take steps to take care of yourself during these times, even if it’s hard to actually do.  Because the stressful event is so noticeable, the people around you offer support, and although it’s very hard, the help is a silver lining.  But there is another type of stress that happens to us that can equally be as dangerous.  The problem is, because of the nature of it, we’re not even aware of it and don’t give ourselves or get the help we need.escalator

This type of stress is known as the stress escalator.  It occurs when small, but significant, stressful things build one on top of the other, slowly raising your stress level.  Because it happens slowly, and piece by piece, you may not even realize that you are there, at the top of the stress scale.  You wonder: “Why am I so irritable, tired, and unhappy?  And why, no matter how I rearrange my schedule, I can’t get everything done?”

What tends to happen during a stress escalator ride is that when faced with a few small stressors, we try to cope by working harder and putting in more hours to deal with the situation.   In order to get extra time, one by one we cut out the things we think of as optional.  Unfortunately, what we tend to think of as optional are the experiences that refresh and recharge us.   They are usually the very things that help us cope with our stress and reverse the negative impact on our bodies and minds.

For example, a woman I worked with, Maria,  came to see me wondering what was wrong her, thinking she may be depressed.  When I asked about the stress in her life, she told me nothing big was happening.  But when I asked her to describe her life, she told me a long list of things, including a recent company merger with a heavier work load, her aging mother moving to an assisted living facility while she and her sister had to pack up their childhood home, and her daughter being bullied at school.  When I asked about what helped to reduce her stress, Maria told me she does Zumba, or did when she had time.  She also liked to have coffee with her friend, but hadn’t been able to do that either.  She used the time to get errands done in order to feel less stressed.

Maria had been riding the stress elevator to the top floor.  No one thing that had been happening to her made her think that she was in crisis.  However, in order to cope with each of her smaller circumstances, she cut out exercising and social engagements, leaving only the work without any respite.  She was exhausted, depleted, and hadn’t had any time to process the emotional impact of her mother’s illness, her fears of not being good enough at work, or her daughter’s well being.  When she was able to step back and look at her situation, Maria actually felt relieved.  No wonder she was feeling so tired and miserable.  It was only then that she could begin to give herself the rest she needed and ask for the help required.

Does this pattern sound familiar?  You could be riding the escalator, too.  The next time you think it would be more helpful to get the list of things at Costco instead of going on your hike, or picking up the house instead of going to bed, remember the escalator.  We need to have a way to go down whenever we ride it up!

Two Tips for Supporting Change: One Tried and True, the Other New

Stuart-Smalley-88112_175x175I never was a particular fan of “affirmations.”  They seemed forced and insincere to me, perhaps from past experience watching Saturday Night Live’s character Stuart Smalley tell himself, “I’m good enough, smart enough,…” as his daily affirmation.   But after years of teaching quit smoking and weight management classes, I learned directly from my students that certain types of meaningful self-statements can be quite helpful.  (Besides, what did I know, the SNL actor Al Franken went on to be a Senator).

At the end of each six week health education  series, I would ask my class, “If you have one suggestion for the next group of people coming in, what would it be?”  Frequently I heard them talk about having a “mantra” that helped them at times when they needed to stay on course with a healthy habit.  Saying this certain mantra over and over helped reinforce their motivation and gave them a voice that could respond automatically to their “temptation” thoughts.  For example, one man thought of his cigarettes as the devil trying to tempt him.  When he had the urge to smoke, or thoughts such as “just one won’t hurt,” he would repeat, even out loud sometimes, “I’m not dancing with that devil!”  He told us it really helped to keep him on track.  Other people reported phrases such as “I want to breathe!” or “I want to live!” to be inspiring.   “Food is not family” is what one young woman said to herself after realizing she often ate when she was lonely and missed her parents.

As opposed to what I thought of as empty affirmations, what useful mantras seemed to have was a true meaning to the person using it, representing a way to quickly get in touch with their goals and deep desires.  It also reminded them of the hard work they had put into the effort toward change and how tempting thoughts were just that, thoughts that didn’t need to lead to action.  Self-statements worked best if they were positive, brief, and truly believed.


 Recently I learned of another way to reinforce motivation that I thought was quite clever. (I apologize for not remembering the exact source of where I read it).  We all use so many passwords throughout our day for so many of our technological tools.  Make your password into a mantra and you will be reinforcing it each time you type it in.  For example: nopain=nogain, TRUST-YR-SELF, or need2breathe.  Every time you enter it you will be reminding yourself of your intentions and further reinforcing this thought in your brain’s neural pathway.  If nothing else, at least it might make us smile and help us remember our passwords!

Changing Together: History, Humanity, and Humility


With the ruling of the Supreme Court on marriage equality this week and the discussions about racism following the horrific shootings in South Carolina, I find myself contemplating change on an entirely different level.  While we all go through our own personal evolutions, society changes, too.  As we saw in the exuberant tears of same sex couples whose marriages are now fully recognized, for them this change was long overdue.  For others, this change comes too fast, or is not a welcomed decision at all.  And for some the Confederate flag is a hateful symbol of racism and for other’s it represents a fundamental right of free speech. But as I watch the contrasting responses and the reactions of people on all sides of these issues, it has me thinking about the process of societal change and how we can move through it as a nation of individuals in a way that will unite us rather than further divide us.

In listening to the news and reading the paper this week, I notice that when it comes to concepts of freedom, equality, and tolerance, people can define the words in a similar manner, but end up on completely opposite sides.  It makes me wonder how this can happen.  How can one person’s true freedom be experienced as being at the expense of another person’s liberty?   How can someone demand tolerance in the name of something so offensively intolerant to others? Especially with the racist hateful murders in Charleston so fresh in our minds, I must admit, I was uneasy watching a black man on the news speaking out against giving all people the opportunity to choose who they can marry.   It was not so long ago that he was denied this very right and as a nation we are still embattled in an unending fight for racial justice.  Yet, he expressed his opinions with the passion of a person deeply entrenched in a moral crisis.  Who am I to think I can know his experience or judge his religious beliefs?  There seems no way to compromise on what feels to be our fundamental truths.

But absolutism of any kind makes me think about fear.  Whenever there is resistance to change, there is usually both a sense of loss for how things have been and a fear for how things will be.  I think younger people lead the way for change because they have less investment with the way things have been.  I also think that as a young person, changes are happening so fast within you, it’s more natural for it to happen around you.  As we age, we have more experience to think we know what the consequences of a particular change will be.  And although we do have more years of experience, sometimes this merely binds us more tightly to believing things must be as they are. Change represents a threat to a way of life that is known.  For younger people, I have noticed, the consequences of change are perceived more as possibility than defeat.

It seems inherent that if a group of people achieves a “victory,” another group will feel they have “lost.”  This polarization is a powerful force of division.  Change is frightening and losing our tradition is unsettling.  It feels like a direct challenge to our identity.  It makes us want to dig in and hold on.  But we must ask ourselves at what cost?  I can truly sympathize with the pain of fear, but can we also open ourselves up to the joy of connection when others feel understood and empowered?  Watching my gay friends embrace with the relief of feeling accepted deeply moved me.  Hearing a man express his deep gratitude for the mere consideration of the removal of the Confederate flag was profound.  It gives me such hope to see how compassion and understanding can bridge our divide and lead us toward a more equitable and loving society.

Like many others, I am so inspired by the families of the victims in Charleston.  They had the courage to open their hearts and be vulnerable, resisting the urge for retaliation and vengeance.  They serve as a great example of how we can in fact heal our divisions and move through change with grace and a commitment to respond with our most loving selves.  I can’t possibly know what it feels like to robbed of someone you love out of such cruel dehumanization. I can only imagine the strength of spirit it must take to speak of forgiveness and rise above the hatefulness.  The inspiration they offer us is truly remarkable and serves as a path to healing we can aspire to follow in this time of uncertainty and change.




Tools, Tips, and a Touch of Inspiration