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In The Beginning…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAfter 25 years of psychological practice, listening to people’s powerful stories and witnessing amazing transformations, I found I had something to say.  Indeed it is true, that change is the only thing that is constant.  People are always either coping with change or trying to change, and usually both. Change is the universal truth that weaves throughout our lives.

We are all under the influence of change as we grow and age.  We often don’t consider these developmental influences until we see a photograph or reach a milestone.  And at the same time as these slow and subtle changes occur, we encounter events that alter our lives completely in what seems like an instant.  Coping with and finding meaning in these circumstances is often a journey of great significance.

I have also discovered the great paradox of change.   So many people seek it, yet it seems so hard to do. Whether weight loss, career shift, new relationships, assertiveness, quitting smoking, stress management, whatever the lifestyle, lasting change is challenging.   Yet, what I have discovered is that no matter how disparate the particular habits, the elements that create success are often quite similar.  Lasting change, while often frustrating and humbling, is very possible with mindful attention and the tools of self care.

This realization brings me to the why of this endeavor, which is the hope of shedding light on this mysterious world of change.  I hope to share perspectives on how to make changes and how to cope with changes.  By being more in tune to our own change process, I believe it can help us achieve greater access to the full range of our emotional experience and a greater sense of control over our choices.  While change can be painful, it can also be liberating, enlightening, and even joyful.  My goal is to bring awareness, insight, inspiration, and acceptance of this universal experience by sharing tools, ideas, research, and the things I have learned and keep learning from both my professional and personal life. I know that in writing this I will be challenged to be more aware of my own life and experiences.  I sincerely hope you find it helpful, too.