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The Good Thing About Guilt

People often complain about how awful it is to feel guilty.  Ironically, though, I notice that the people who express feelings of guilt the most often are also the people I would say are the most considerate. So when I saw the study I describe in today’s post, it made sense to me, and showed me the upside of guilt.

According to La Trobe University’s (Australia) Matt Treeby and colleagues (2016), the guilt-prone are more aware and more sensitive to the emotional expressions of others. If you’re worried that you’ve hurt someone else, they reason, you’ll be highly attuned to judging people’s emotional states (and whether they’re mad at you) from their faces. People who have the tendency to feel guilty are likely to expend a fair degree of mental energy on concerns about the negative effect their behavior may have had on other people. Guilt, then, has various adaptive qualities in terms of helping you interact with others in a more prosocial fashion. If you’re worried about hurting people, you’ll try to restrain your anger or aggression. Moreover, according to the Australian team, you’ll also stay away from high-risk impulsive or addictive behaviors. Previous research conducted a number of years ago by George Mason University’s June Tangney, showed that people inclined toward guilt were higher in empathy. Not only do the guilt-prone want to gauge accurately the emotions of others, but they also can resonate more closely to the way they’re feeling when they’ve been wronged.

Too much of anything, as we know, is never good, and the same is true about guilt. Excessive guilt is one of the symptoms of depression. And research shows that people who have low self esteem tend to experience more than a healthy dose of guilt, overburdening themselves with the feeling of being bad, not just doing bad (making bad choices). In fact, shame, when someone feels they themselves are bad, was actually found by the Australian team, to make people more self focused rather than sensitive to others. The response of those who experience shame is to reduce the pain of their poor self image by withdrawing or to hiding that they have done anything wrong, rather than tend to the other person and make amends.

Guilt can also lead to trouble if you are prone to feeling guilty for things that are beyond your control or for things you did by accident, without intention. This guilt can not be rectified and therefore lingers, causing helplessness and hurting your esteem. In these cases, it is best to transform your attitude into one of regret rather than guilt. On the other hand, if you can accept responsibility when you have done wrong to someone else and make amends, research shows this actually works to build self esteem.

So, the next time you feel guilty, look at the bright side. It means you are a thoughtful and caring person. Hopefully, you also have the self esteem and maturity to accept responsibility for your behavior and take action. This may require some humility and saying you’re sorry, but you will feel lighter and feel more love in the long run.

May Their Memory Be A Blessing

My father passed away on June 6th in 2006.  Every June I especially miss him between the anniversary of his passing and Father’s Day.  My Dad was a unique man, a scrappy survivor who had trouble enjoying the fruits of his labor.  There are many things I now wish I could ask my father and I often think of how he would advise me.  My relationship with him is still very active and as I get older, I actually learn more from him, appreciating things about him as I gain more perspective.

My local Rabbi recently reminded me of the saying in Judaism that follows the mentioning of a deceased person.  In Hebrew it is, “Zikhronah livrakha,” meaning, “May his/her memory be for a blessing.”  (You may see the phrase on tombstones in cemeteries).  I have always really liked this ritual, and now that I have several loved ones who have passed, I especially like it.  For me, “May their memory be for a blessing” is an active invitation that is bi-directional.  When we remember someone, it certainly is a way of honoring them.  Each time we think of them, we are blessing the deceased by bringing their life and their love into our presence.  At the same time, I also think “may their memory be a blessing” means we are blessed with their memory.  When I remember my father, I feel blessed with a closeness to him, even if it is painful.  I also remember things he said or would say, knowing who he was and what was important to him.  It helps me remember that I was blessed to have known him.

Every once in awhile I have an intense dream with my sister or my father, or even one of my grandparents, in it.  When I wake, I really do feel blessed that I was in their presence.  I can see their face, hear their voice, and feel the connection.  It saddens me as the closeness fades as I awaken, trying to hold on to the vividness in vain.  But I always feel lucky that they had come to visit me, and that we had some time together.

Rituals are an important part of the lifelong journey of grieving for someone who was important to us who has died.  Whether it is making “Nanny’s cole slaw,” listening to the song that my sister liked at Christmas (thanks to my girls for helping me find it in spotify), or lighting a memorial candle on my Dad’s birthday, the actions are a concrete way of remembering, which is truly a blessing.

Below is a piece I wrote about my Father several years ago.  I had just been laid off when the clinic I was working  for lost funding.  I was longing to ask my Father for advice, as he was someone who knew how to rise up when knocked down.  I include it as a blessing to my Dad.

The Secret Lives of Our Father’s

My favorite piece of what is left of the life of my Father is an item I never knew he even had.  I discovered it in a tiny white box hidden in the back of his armoire, tucked behind several classic pieces of art we made him as children.  It would have been easy to miss it when I was sorting through his belongings after his death, as my Father was a large man, not prone to owning things that were literally so small.  

But inside the box, sitting on top of crumbling old foam, was a small medallion, the kind you pin on your chest, with crossed swords prominently embossed in the metal.  There was also a tightly folded yellowed newspaper article, carefully placed underneath.  “Lefty Lenny Leads Team to City Cup Championship,” the title read.  My Father’s name was Leonard, and I’d known he had fenced, but this article describing his championship was indeed news to me.  It told the story of how my Father not only fenced to win in the tournament, as a Sophomore, but also ran the entire team.  His poorly funded public high school in Brooklyn could not afford a coach, and so rather than give up on the sport, Lefty Lenny led the team, as its captain and its coach, to the New York City Cup victory.

I’d always known my Father was from very humble beginnings, living in a tenement apartment in Brooklyn, the son of a garment salesman, as was the trade of many of the Jewish immigrants at the time.  I was quite familiar with his stories of playing stickball on the stoops of the brownstones because they had no fields to play in, and passing the time with chemistry experiments made up of kitchen ingredients because they couldn’t afford a chemistry set.  I’d heard my Grandmother talk about her sweet sons and all the ways they respectfully made due.  But to me, my Dad had always been a financially successful man who was actually rather argumentative and rough.  He seemed to carry a chip on his shoulder, vigilant to getting what he could.  He showed his love by making sure we had everything he felt we were owed from the world, even if we didn’t want it.

I recall even now with a cringe my Dad negotiating the price of my first car.  “I’m going to wear them down,” he told me, and instructed me explicitly not to say one single word, even threatening me if I showed any hint of actually liking the car.  But wear them down he did.  We sat in the used car office for more than five hours, some of the longest of my young life.  There were loud echoes of his fist slamming on the desk, grunts as he tried to raise his large body up out of the chair in a feigned attempt to march out of the negotiation, and many heated exchanges with the string of chain smoking car sales managers who moved in and out of the office throughout the day.  But my Father had the ultimate upper hand, as the man could not be embarrassed, nor would he ever give up.  Indeed I drove away that evening with a car, an extra tire, and a year’s warranty.  They even bought us lunch.  But the thing I learned that day about my Father was how much it meant to him.  While I was writhing in teenage humiliation and exhausted from the effort, my Father was in his element having won a victory not only for me, but for the underdog and the downtrodden consumers of the world, who, on this one day, would not be cheated out of one extra dime.

My Father was always picking a fight with the world.  Each day and every encounter represented an opportunity to battle injustice.  I once remember on vacation, my Father spending an entire afternoon in his room making repeated phone calls to house cleaning and management because we hadn’t been given the proper amount of towels.  The rest of us were frustrated and at his use of our vacation time for something that seemed so insignificant.  But when the stack of towels finally arrived, he glowed with the pride of a man who had saved us from impending doom.  No matter where we were or what we did, my Father could find the one thing that was lacking.  A complete reversal of gratitude, he glossed over all that was good and zeroed in on acquiring the one thing that could be better.

His motivation had so little to do with materialism and nothing to do with selfishness, however.  In fact, my Father was the most unselfish man I knew.  He drove a beat up old car and wore clothes with holes, while my mother drove a top of the line model and had a closet full of dresses and shoes.  It was part of my Father’s paradoxical nature.  He took such poor care of himself, while forcing the rest of us to settle for nothing less than the best.  Only when I became a mother could I begin to put this characteristic in perspective.  Like so many parents, we treat our children in reaction to the way we were raised.  For my Father, it was providing us with all the things he never had.  It gave him such pride to pay for my Ivy League education.  He himself had gone to a small, then unknown, college, yet smooth talked his way into a place at MIT for his doctorate.  Professors took note of his determination and his fortitude in filling in the gaps of his education.  They provided him with a scholarship if he could prove that he could keep up with the many students of privilege.  He was extremely intelligent and throughout his years used his smarts and determination to catapult himself into places and opportunities that he would never otherwise been offered.  He sold himself, promising things he knew nothing of, but would teach himself how to do.  Even winning the hand of my mother, an upper income girl with a finishing school mentality, was a success that my father prided in.  He literally miraculously survived being shot in a robbery.  After losing his own business while recuperating, he reinvented himself and talked his way into being a well paid expert consultant for an industry he had little knowledge of when he was hired.

The rough and slightly paranoid man I had grown up with was just an extension of the young man who had to be scrappy and make his way in the world by being aggressive and reaching for what was beyond his grasp.  He had to believe he was entitled to what the world had not given him.  And for me, having been provided with the essentials of what I needed growing up, it was hard to understand his constant battle for more.  But now, years after his death, during the economic recession and with a family of my own, I have a newfound appreciation for my Father and a longing to have been more connected with this aspect of him.  My husband and I are going through hard times and I feel a vulnerability I have never known before.  We are in financial crisis and I feel scared that we can lose our home and the world does in fact often feel like a dangerous place:  bills, taxes, loss of income from my non-profit employer losing funding and my husband’s manufacturing business floundering.  I now have a connection to the man who felt the need to fight, but I lack the confidence and the experience in asserting myself the way my Father could.  I feel such empathy for my Dad and a respect for his ability to rise above his situation and make things happen by sheer will and hard work.  I think about his determination, and wish I had taken note of his skills and self reliance, his courage, and his self made success despite the odds.

He died in early June seven years ago, now.  This past Father’s Day I felt a particular emptiness when I passed by the store displays of fishing gear or  the tools I used to buy him as gifts.  I wish I could ask him what he thinks I should do.  I would love to find out how he would address our situation.  I know he would not be lying awake at night worrying, but then doing nothing but hoping things would get better.  I know he would have a plan and a list of people to contact.  He would pound the pavement or pound his fists, whatever it took to make sure he was given a chance, and then he would make it work out.  I try to channel that energy and feel the part of me that is indeed a part of him.  I miss him in a way I have not missed him before.  I can only imagine what Lefty Lenny would do.  What sword might he draw?


Three Words To Set You Free

I was talking to a colleague who works in the field of addictions.  She works with people who have many ups and downs; one step forward and often  two steps back.  I asked her how she handles watching people she cares about relapse into harmful behaviors that put themselves at risk?  Three words, she said, are the key to how she approaches these relationship dilemnas: “bless and release.”

What an empowering phrase, I thought.  Useful in so many different ways.  It so quickly sums up an entire process and moves you into a positive state and a liberating one.  It creates a barrier to obsessing and feeling responsible for what you can’t control.  You can apply it to someone you love, such as a child, wishing them well with their overdue school assignment, but not taking on the stress yourself.  Or someone you have conflict with, such as a call from an ex-husband or someone who implies something hurtful on Facebook.  Bless and release keeps you within yourself and not pulled into a conflict or chain of events that will drain you.

Bless and release is an intention to feel positively and to choose to wish someone well.  It’s also an acknowledgment and a practice of divesting ourselves from the outcome of a situation.  The intention is to stay in love and regard for someone, but let go of the illusion of control or need for a particular change.  We have to be careful we don’t bless and release too early, however.  We shouldn’t use a bless and release strategy as a way of avoiding our role in a conflict or as a way of detaching from people who we do have responsibilities toward that are part of mutual healthy relating or parenting.  Bless and release is a practice we use when we have been accountable for ourselves and need to let go of being responsible for what is the responsibility of another.

Since learning the phrase, I also am finding you can use it not just with others, but within yourself.  As I hear that internal voice repeat some obsessive worry, I say to myself, “bless and release.”  It actually makes me feel a bit of love toward myself and gives me permission and a push away from what may be creeping in to take over my thoughts and feelings.  I can bless and send warm regard toward the part of myself that is scared or feels inadequate, and then create distance from the painful experience of it.  Now that is a blessing!


Dare To Be Different

It has been a little more than a week since my older daughter has been home from college, and I am immensely impressed with how she handled her first year.  It certainly was challenging, not only in terms of her classes and learning to handle the pressures and changes of college life, but in talking with her, I have been really struck by the perspective she has gained from choosing to leave California and attend a school in the South, where she was very different.  Her insights have really stayed with me, especially as I am preparing for a trip outside of the United States, and finding myself a bit nervous.  It really got me thinking about how we take our sameness for granted, and while it’s comfortable, easily fitting in is not always the best for our personal development or for our understanding of and compassion for others.

At first it was fun to be different, she told me.  As soon as she told people where she was from, she instantly had a topic of conversation and was easily remembered.  She was exposed to different foods, customs, and ways of speaking, often finding humor in the contrasts.  But over time, the realization of deeper levels of differences emerged, from the lack of common experiences to differences in political views, and even interpretations of relationships, communications, and cultural norms.  It was often tiring to explain herself, she told me, and be on guard for ways in which she might misinterpret others or say something that others would find challenging, or be judged by a preconceived notion of what someone thought she would be like.  Being different became isolating she found, and even painful, at times.  She longed for people who intuitively understood her meanings, preferences, and accepted them.

“What a great lesson, though.” she told me, as she tried to imagine what it would be like to be a constant minority in the world.  She also recognized the privilege of being able to choose when and how she revealed her status as different.  Being blonde and blue eyed, she could easily blend in until she chose to tell people where she was born and what her religious upbringing had been.   Even the relatively small chasm between her and her school community had a big effect on her.  While she absolutely chose her school in large part to experience a different culture, what she didn’t expect was to experience the effects of being different on such a deep level, longing for opportunities of similarity and the comfort of sameness.  “I am so much more aware and sensitive,” she explains, “of everything I took for granted.”

So why am I nervous to travel abroad, I ask myself, and experience being different?  I love to expose myself to new people and places and have looked forward to this trip for a really long time.  Being different involves being vulnerable, it occurred to me.  I might need to ask for directions in a different language, trust a vendor to give me an accurate price, or, God forbid, need medical help.  I will be at the mercy of others to understand my needs, respect them, and take them seriously.  Being different involves continually fighting the preference for and the ease of sameness along with the prejudice and misperceptions of perceived “other”ness.

Decades of research support the notion of our preference for sameness.  We choose employees and partners who are most like us, we sit with those we look like, and we tend to hold in higher esteem people whose beliefs are most like our own.   Even in schools and communities of great diversity, we tend to congregate and separate ourselves into similar groups within them.  Research also shows we assume more in common with people we perceive as similar and project greater differences with those we assume to be different, regardless of actual measures of sameness or difference.  Perceived similarity has the effect of bonding and attracting people to one another, while perceived differences have the effect of alienating and engendering distrust.

It takes a lot of courage to be different, and that is one of the many reasons I am inspired by so many of the people I work with, who have endured great prejudice or stigma in their journey to grow and heal and connect with others.  And it is also one of the many reasons I am proud of my daughter, for her courage to be vulnerable and her strength in being who she is, even if it means having to explain it, defend it, or just feel alone with it.  I am grateful for the enlightened reminder she has given me to be more open to others, especially someone who might be new, unique, or different.  I am definitely more aware of how important it is to put myself in the place of being the different one every now and again, but also how important it is to have my people to come home to.

Welcome back, Sierra, you have been missed!


What You’re Really Missing When You Are Late

We all lead busy lives, cramming more in each day in order to be successful.  We make lists, take short cuts, and look for every trick to be more efficient.  But in these past few weeks, I’ve really noticed something important about my multitasking, frantic “to do list” way of life.  It frequently puts me in a position of living life in a hurry.  And according to Carl Jung, “Hurry is not of the devil; hurry is the devil.”  Seems like pretty strong words, doesn’t it?  But as I thought about my hurry, I have to say, there is a lot to what he says.  The cost of being in a hurry is a far greater than I had realized.

I did a little experiment in thinking about this topic.  I made a point to really be aware of how my life goes when I’m in a hurry and when I’m not. When I’m in a hurry, life becomes about me.  For example, running to the grocery store to pick up something before I needed to be somewhere else, I became annoyed at the lack of parking spaces, I was frustrated that I could not find the right aisle for what I needed, and then I was extremely impatient with the checker who seemed to be too friendly with her customers, wasting my time.  Everything and everyone was judged in terms of how it was effecting me.  On another occasion, going to the very same store with time to spare, I had a very different experience.  I was happy to park a little farther away, taking a walk to enjoy the beauty of the day and the warmth of the sunshine.  I noticed a man looking confused and stopped to help him.  I chatted with a woman standing in line at the check out stand and even joked with the clerk.  My eyes were open to other’s needs and I actually felt happy connecting to strangers.

I noticed the same thing running late to a meeting.  Suddenly, the traffic lights were my enemy and the other drivers were competitors on the roadway.  I realized how I not only became a victim to everything around me, but how I felt entitled to control the world for my benefit alone! Others were obstacles rather than fellow travelers.  I was tense, annoyed, and judgmental.  Stressful?  Heck, yes!  But even more so, what I discovered was the effect being in a hurry had on my attitude, my relationships with other people, and with life in general.  It was a downright spiritual awakening!  You cannot live in the present when you are in a hurry.  You won’t notice beauty, connect with other people or other beings, and there is no way you can be in touch with yourself.  When you’re in a hurry, you’re focused on the outcome, mostly your own, and not the process.

So, can I say I won’t be in a hurry from now on and suddenly live a slower life?  Not likely.  But I am going to make it a goal to change some of my frantic ways.  If I leave a few minutes earlier, or choose to put off doing an errand to a day when I have more time, I reap so many more benefits than I realized.  And when I am in a hurry, I will take more responsibility for my attitude and its effects on other people.  What is that little sign people have on their desks?  


Happiness: Are Your Goals Hitting the Mark of Your Values?

When faced with a big decision, it’s natural to choose based on what you think will help you best achieve your goals.  For example, you take a promotion knowing it will provide more money for your family.  Since your family is so important to you, you think this will make you happy.  But after months at the job, you aren’t very happy at all. What happened, why don’t you feel good since family is your top priority?  The job requires longer hours and more travel.  While meeting your intended goal, the actions actually took you farther away from what truly mattered, actually being with your family.  

I see this type of situation play out frequently with people who come in to see me wondering why they are so exhausted and depressed.  They’re working so hard to achieve their goal, maybe even reaching it, and yet they feel empty.   In these situations, it often helps to take a step back and think clearly about the bigger picture – your values.  By clarifying and prioritizing your true values, only then can you make decisions that will support a life that brings satisfaction.

Values are desired qualities of your life; who you want to be and how you want your life to feel.  They are guiding principles that when lived by bring you joy.  Values are not rules.  They are freely chosen qualities, like the “pursuit of knowledge”, “kindness”, or “non-conformity”.  As soon as we feel like we have to follow a value, it becomes a rule or something we feel we should do, which drains our sense of vitality.

People tend to  report more life satisfaction when living their values and feel frustrated and depleted when their values are suppressed.  Values are ongoing, like a guiding light or the north star.  They tell you which direction to head, but you never really get there.  Goals, on the other hand, are finite.  They are the steps that we achieve along the way as we aim toward our values.  So setting our goals to be in line with our values will be important in making sure our efforts lead in the right direction.  In order to help evaluate this, a good visual to use is a Bull’s Eye .  First think about your values in the four areas of work/education, relationships, personal growth/health, and leisure.  Picture these values at the center of your bulls eye, the center you want to aim toward.  Next place an “X” on the target for each of the four areas to represent where you stand today, how close to your desired values you feel you are living in each area.  The farther away you place your “X” from the center, the more you feel you have lost touch with your values.  Now you can think about goals and action plans (think of these as arrows).  By engaging in these goals or action plans, will this help you move closer to the Bull’s Eye of your values?  Like in our example, making more money, which meant travel and long hours) did not support the real value of feeling close and connected to family.

There are no rights or wrongs in choosing values.  In fact, the more honest we can be with ourselves, the better.  For example, people often feel they should have “kindness” or “giving” as a top priority.  But when you volunteer for fundraising, you find it draining.  In fact, curiosity may be a higher value for you, and your time might be better spent reading or doing research.  Values are not exclusive, either.  They are flexible.  We can combine them, such as doing research to help a charity, or choose to prioritize one over the other in given situations.  We may need to prioritize our value of justice in dealing with employees at work, and humor with our friends.

Below is a list of potential values.  I invite you to look through them and rank them as very important, not so important or low importance.  Don’t overthink it or judge your choices.  The more honest you can be about your values, the more you can shoot your arrows in the direction of your satisfaction.  It’s a great feeling when you reach a goal that lands close to your values.  Like every sport, however, it takes time to learn, and we miss the mark a lot in the beginning.  But show up to practice, analyze your goals and efforts, and you will see and feel like a winner!!

Write On, Write Now

When I started this blog, I remember worrying about running out of topics.  I worked from a list that I kept adding to each week.  But after just a few months of posting, I quickly found it more enjoyable to come up with my topics spontaneously, from listening to what people around me or my own mind was wrestling with that week.  After two years of weekly posts, I am so pleased that I have never missed one or felt that is was a burden.  I am really enjoying this platform and am so thankful for your time in reading it.  But I am going to make  change.  I love to write and have some ideas for some other pieces that I haven’t had time for, so I’m going to shift to writing in this blog every other week.  So in honor of this change, I’m going to invite you to do some of your own writing and see what you might discover.

It makes me angry at how school teaches most people to hate writing and dismiss it.  Watching my daughters write their “compare and contrast” essays, struggle with MLA notation, and be hammered with the search for topic sentences, it sometimes breaks my heart to see them become alienated from their own voice.  I know it is vital to learn to write formal essays, but I wish an English teacher would sometimes have them write an assignment that can teach them how to use writing as I have come to love it, to discover what they think and feel, to expand on a creative idea, or to just simply play.  I use writing personally to help me figure out what is going on with me, and if I can get a client to trust that I’m not going to grade their work, I use it effectively with them as well.  By putting feelings into words, you can achieve clarity and find a release. In the end, this helps us make better choices about what we really want to do or say to someone.

At a writing workshop I went to almost ten years ago, the instructor had us create two characters for ourselves.  The first was our inner critic.  We gave a name and a look to our inner critic, and thanked it for its help in editing and improving our work.  But then we asked our inner critic to step aside so that we could identify our muse.  We also gave him or her a name and identity, the part of ourselves that is creative and reckless and has a lot to say once the critic is put on hold.  This was a huge turning point for me.  Once I could begin to let myself write freely, I discovered the complete joy of letting my muse take over.  I also discovered the great paradox in writing:  On the one hand I am often completely surprised what comes out on paper if I allow it to flow, as if someone else had taken over, but at the same time, I am in complete control.  I can kill off a character, change an ending, be overbearing or be nakedly vulnerable,  I get to decide what I say, who gets to say it (I love writing as a male character), and who gets to read it.

If you’re like most people, getting started is the hardest part.  So here are a few ideas that help.  Let your muse pick out a beautiful journal.  Let him or her do some free writing in your journal each day, just ten minutes of uninterrupted writing to let it flow.  Or start with a “jump line,” such as “My father’s hands” or “When the sun goes down…”   If you google jump lines you will find a long list of great ones.  A set of jump lines I love to use with people I work with is, on one side of the page write “Want I want to tell you is…” and then after writing for ten minutes, turn over the page and write ten minutes more to “What I don’t want to tell you is…:”  It’s amazing what comes up!  Some other ideas are writing letters (you never have to send) to yourself, to a part of you, a younger you, or to someone from the past or future.  You can also let yourself write about a fantasy or rewrite the ending to a scary dream.

There is a freedom in writing if you can surrender to it.  But it does take some courage to find your muse; a part of you that wants to get out, be heard, dig deeper, wonder, shout, or try something on.  They say the pen is mightier than the sword.  So take a chance and meet your muse.  Together you can discover how powerful you can be!

See you in two weeks!


Get Off Of Your Buts

I saw this phrase in an article I was reading last week (sorry, I can’t remember the author) while preparing for last week’s blog on acceptance.  I thought it was kind of funny, if not a little corny, but even more funny was how it stayed with me during the week.  Every time I said the word “buts”, the phrase rang out, “Get off of your but.”  It helped me stop, take a second look at my thinking, and over the week, see how often I let myself off the hook so easily for acting positively on something I say is important to me.

Some of the things were little, like “I want to work out, but I don’t have time,” or “I want to eat healthy, but we don’t have anything good at home.”  Others were bigger, such as “I would love to go to Greece someday, but we could never afford it,” or “I wish I could be more like my colleague, but I’m just not as good a leader as she is.”  Every time I said the word “but,” it made me step out of my words and think – is this “but” an excuse or is this “but” my real choice?  Does it have to be all or nothing, can I do a little bit of exercise, or make some small step toward the desire?

Life is overwhelming and has a lot of limitations.  Money, food, time, energy are all finite resources.  How we choose to use them is really important and over time, ends up building to the significance of who we are and how we live our lives.  Each and every day we make so many decisions that it’s easy not to notice them.  One little decision does not seem to matter, but the decisions we make add up, and lead us to where we are.  I learned this week how easily I can get in the habit of derailing my valued actions by saying, “yes, but.”

So, I need to stop making excuses.  If I choose not to use my precious free time to work out, or if I choose to eat something not healthy, I need to own the decision.  And if I don’t have the money to go to Greece, I have to really ask myself how important that is to me.  If I really want to go to Greece, I can start saving and look for more the most affordable opportunities, perhaps forming a plan for the future.  “Buts” can come from many sources.  One type comes from pure laziness, BUT, others come from deeper places, like fear,  insecurity, sadness, helplessness, lack of control, or skill.  But, I am a victim if I let my world be ruled by my “buts,” which is why I liked this kitchy phrase.  It helped me step back and assess the truth of my assumptions and realize the comfortable pull of staying on our buts.


Freedom from Fusion

Last week’s blog contrasted the passive and avoidant experience of denial with acceptance, an active process of choice.  This week I’ve been thinking a lot more about these two experiences, and the complex relationship we humans have with our thoughts and feelings.  I see a lot of anxious people in my line of work, and tend to be a bit of one myself.  I am hardly in denial about things, as my anxious thoughts are quite active!  But these thoughts have the effect of controlling me and making me avoid things, just as denial can. When my mind tells me there is something to be afraid of (making a fool of myself in a presentation), it makes me want to run the other way (turn down the invitation to speak).  Though I’m not in denial, I still end up restricting my life through avoidance.  So this week, I decided to look a little closer at acceptance, to explore the paradox of how, at times, actually being less active in my thinking can lead to less avoidance in my behavior.

Cognitive fusion is a process that involves attaching a thought or feeling to an experience. Cognitive fusion is beneficial in many ways, like when we become interested in story lines in movies and books because we attach emotions to them, or we attach positive feelings to certain activities (hobbies) or people (our loved ones).  But when we fuse our negative thoughts with certain experiences, we begin to avoid those experiences.  So when I think of embarrassing myself through fears of public speaking, my fears are fused with the experience, and leads to avoidance.  

Ironically, the more we try to control thoughts and feelings, the more they tend to influence us in the long run in potentially harmful ways.  For example, have you ever tried to distract yourself from a unpleasant thoughts or feelings by binge watching or shopping?  Withdraw from certain people or opt out of certain activities because you don’t like the thoughts or feelings they bring up?  Have you tried blaming others, worrying, rehashing the past, fantasizing about “what if,” “if only,” or “why  me” in order to think your way away?  Or put substances in your body (ice cream, vodka, xanax) to get relief?  While they may have helped that day, what effect do they have over time?  Did the thoughts and feelings go away in the long run?  And what is the cost in terms of your health and vitality?

That is where acceptance comes into play.  Instead of trying to control our thoughts and feelings, we can “de-fuse” them.  If I think of giving a speech and get anxious, I can defuse this from the experience of being embarrassed and making a fool of myself.  By noticing my anxious feelings and accepting them, I can separate them from the outcome that leads me to avoid the experience and then in turn reinforces my feeling badly about myself.  

This type of acceptance involves developing a more compassionate relationship with our experiences.  As thoughts and feelings arise, the aim is not to control them by trying to stop them or change them, but to let them happen without letting them control us.  So I can be anxious, noticing my anxiety in how my hand shakes, how I feel a bit queezy in my stomach, but still go on and give the speech.  Who knows, the speech may go well.  I may embarrass myself or I may not, but I allow myself to be open to the new experience without making myself a prisoner of the past.  True acceptance is the ability to allow internal or external experience to occur instead of fighting them or trying to change them.  When we can accept our experience, we actually set ourselves free.

Denial Ain’t A River In Egypt

When we get some bad news or when something unpleasant happens, it’s normal to be in a state of disbelief.  After the shock begins to fade, our coping kicks in, and we begin to integrate and deal with the challenge we face.  But sometimes, unfortunately, people stay stuck, refusing to acknowledge an issue and along with it, its consequences.  This psychological state is known as denial, and in and of itself can create a host of problems.

Denial, as a long term strategy, is very problematic.  If we’re not able to acknowledge something, we’ll continue in a path that’s harmful to us, as well as block ourselves from doing anything to cope in the future.  If we deny our problem drinking or our smoking, we continue to do harm to our bodies, as well as prevent ourselves from getting the help we need to quit or even reduce the harm.  If we refuse to admit that we have an anger problem, we’ll not only hurt the people we love, but cut off from opportunities to repair the damage we’ve done and lose any chance to change our pattern to make things better in the future.

In the long term, reality always wins, no matter how we try to deny it.  And that’s why denial is so hard on relationships.  This aspect of denial is often overlooked when people in denial, or using denial’s close cousin, minimization, say, “it’s my body” or “it’s my decision,”  because it’s our loved ones that feel the responsibility and the consequences when we are in denial.  They worry, try to talk to us, and then feel helpless.  In  many ways when someone is in denial, it is the one who loves them who carries the burden of concern and fear.  And to make matters worse, a person minimizing or denying a problem will often react to the loved one’s efforts to help with blame.    It leaves a loved one with an unfortunate choice, continue to fight and confront, or go along with the denial, allowing it to continue in the effort to maintain peace.

It’s interesting to note that one of the biggest predictors of whether someone has a drug or alcohol problem is not the report of the person themselves, but if someone in their life has expressed concern about their behavior.  So please, if someone has the courage to express concern about you or a behavior you engage in, give it some thought.  We all have issues we prefer not to think about or acknowledge.  Being afraid and being stuck are part of being human.  But the difference between denial and acceptance is the key.  Denial is a passive response and with it is the avoidance of reality and then opportunities for coping.  While acceptance is an active process of making a choice to do what you can about the things you can control and accepting the things you cannot. Acceptance is a way of actively holding the truth rather than trying to run from it.