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Listening To Your Anger

Let’s be honest, there is a lot to be angry about. You can be angry at politicians, people who hurt you, the world, family, friends, strangers, co-workers, bosses, God, and even yourself.  Anger itself is not bad or wrong, but it often gets a bad wrap.  People confuse feelings of anger for how people display anger.  Distinguishing between destructive and constructive ways of expressing our anger is a really important skill in taking care of ourselves.

When used in a constructive way, anger can help you heal from trauma and loss, help you be honest with others, and to face pain you may need to deal with.  Anger is destructive when it is used to act out against yourself or others, to give up, or to become bitter. Learning to harness your anger and understand it can feel powerful.  We can harness the energy of anger to take action in the world in order to make things right.

The first important step in developing constructive anger habits is to think of anger as a messenger.  Behind all anger is an unmet need.  Anger is a signal that something is wrong.  It may mean you are not taking care of yourself, that you have sadness to work through, or that something is happening in a relationship or from an event that feels unfair or unjust.  Anger is often a signal of something not being right.  If we ignore it, it can build up, and then come out in a way that is an overreaction to what is actually happening in a moment or we can stuff it down and seethe, eating ourselves up or turning it against ourselves.

An old style view that still persists is that anger needs to be vented.  The solution to anger was to “get it out”.  Research has shown, however, that acts of venting or catharsis actually increased people’s anger, resolving nothing that mattered to change a situation.  People also confuse angry outbursts as effective because people respond to it.  You may get results in the short term when you yell and scream, and you may feel powerful in the moment, but in the longer term it tends to erode and weaken relationships when you are experienced as out of control.  People tend to do and say things they regret, which can never be undone.

Constructive anger can be learned, which is the good news.  The key is listening to your anger as a messenger.  This may mean learning to tolerate the discomfort of the feelings you have when you’re angry.  Rather than actively discharging them, it helps to try to understand your anger and what it is telling you is wrong.  Once you identify what is the source, or the unmet need, then you are really powerful.  You can choose what to do and say about what is happening.  In addition, you can think through another person’s perspective.  Destructive anger tends to be judgemental and selfish.  It is demanding that someone take care of us or put our needs first. Constructive anger recognizes that other people have a point of view, and that we need to clarify a misunderstanding or work through a solution in a mutual way.

I have had the honor of running Anger Management groups for men.  What really struck me was how powerless many of these people felt.  The anger outbursts were reactions to feeling hurt or threatened in some way, and a fight flight response was all that they knew.  It was a really rewarding process to help these men and many made profound changes.  The first step was the hardest, though.  First, they needed to give themselves permission to have needs and to learn how to identify what they were.  Once they were able to take this step, the next step was allowing themselves to be vulnerable enough to ask for what they needed.  It was often so touching to see the results of this new skill:  “If you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need!”

The Long Now

Pardon me while I remove my dark ski mask, click off my flashlight, and pull off my gloves. I’ve just committed a robbery. For this week’s blog post I am stealing the concept and the term “The Long Now,” developed to refer to policy impacts, because I think when applied to my own personal life, it is a powerful phrase in how immediately it can change my perspective.

The term The Long Now was coined by Brian Eno after moving from England to New York.  He noticed that the here and now of Americans was much more immediate (this room, this five minutes), then what he was used to in England.  Mr. Eno became a founding member of the Long Now Foundation, established in 1996, based in San Francisco.  The aim of the Foundation is to provide a counterpoint to what it views as today’s “faster/cheaper” mindset and to promote “slower/better” thinking.  Members acknowledge the increasingly short attention span of our culture driven by the acceleration of technology, the short horizon of current market driven economics, the election cycle perspective of current politics, and the distractions of personal multi-tasking. According to the website, the Foundation sponsors speakers and debates and encourages dialog in hopes to “creatively foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years”.  The guidelines of Long Now thinking involve promoting responsibility and rewarding patience.

When I first heard the term (thanks Jennifer), The Long Now, I immediately loved it.  It resonated with me on many levels, without really knowing the Foundation’s goals and motivation (10,000 years!).  Just by saying it, the phrase has a magical way of pulling me out of the current moment by extending that moment into the future.  It is a simply elegant way of thinking about the future consequences of my current behavior by emphasizing the link between the two.  It reminds me of the small steps, little choices, that will add up to where I will be someday.  When I think about today’s choices in terms of my Long Now, I can picture myself in the future having been the beneficiary or the victim of an incremental set of choices and events.  It simply reminds me that, in time, the future will be the current now.  Now that is motivating for me to help keep me on track with my goals –  I can have this indulgence now, or think of my ultimate goal in my Long Now.

The Long Now also offers me a soothing thought:  whatever I am going through now, this “now” is not how it will always be.  I may worry about some of my child’s decisions, for example, but if I think in the Long Now, I can have the confidence of knowing she will mature and grow, and be just fine in the long now.

I also love that by engaging in Long Now thinking I am encouraged into a mature and wise perspective that promotes ways of thinking and acting that I know is good for me and is associated with success and happiness.  I am encouraged to delay immediate gratification and think of my responsibility to my children and my children’s children, offering a sense of connection and generativity.  Long Now thinking lends itself to our sense of being an agent in determining our collective future. If I think in the now, I plant flowers.  If I think in the Long Now, I also plant trees.

So pardon my theft of this lofty 10,000 year perspective and slipping it into my own back pocket.  But as an idea, it feels extremely valuable, and as a practice, it feels priceless!

Note:  You can visit the Long Now library and bar, called the Interval, in San Francisco’s Fort Mason Center.  Chat with others and contemplate time with the 10,000 year clock.  


The Curiosity Quotient

So now we know that not only does curiosity not kill the cat, but in fact, it can make it more successful.  Especially if it is a passionate kitty, who can surf the internet and acquire vast amounts of information.

Ok, what the heck am I talking about?  I came across an article by the author and journalist Thomas Friedman that was motivating to me.  He posits that in our relatively new world of the internet, where vast information is so readily available,  personal interest more than IQ can determine success.  He believes that greater than our IQ, a combination of curiosity and passion drives us to explore subjects of interest and therefore become as knowledgeable as someone with exceptional intelligence.

This Curiosity Quotient is not a real formula and is not mathematical, but represents the idea of how a person driven by their interests can accomplish what we have thought of as only what certain gifted people can achieve.  The proposed formula is:

CQ + PQ > IQ

CQ is the “Curiosity Quotient” and PQ is a “Passion Quotient”.  These are both theoretical concepts that do not represent actual measurements, but traits that each person can possess in varying amounts.  His formula is his way to express the idea that in our new economy, people who are self motivated learners who have learned how to learn, may actually be most successful.  He states: “Give me the kid with a passion to learn and a curiosity to discover and I will take him or her over the less passionate kid with a huge IQ every day of the week.”  In other words, it is more important to be passionate and curious than merely smart.

Thinking of the internet as an unlimited university, open to anyone with a strong motivation to use it, is intriguing to me.  It goes along with the Growth Mindset I have written about in a previous blog post, that supports the idea that hard work rather than natural born talent is what determines success in the long run.  And to be honest, Passion and Curiosity sound a lot more fun than hard work!  Which in some ways, seems to be Mr. Friedman’s point – that if we are curious and enjoy learning, we will naturally work hard to take advantage of the vast amount of information available to us, which then leads to a mastery of what we are interested in.

So, not only does curiosity actually help the cat, but it just may help old dogs like me learn some new tricks!


Relationship Resolutions

Every January, gyms and weight loss centers are packed.  We all make New Year’s Resolutions about our health and happiness with the best of intentions.  What I’ve been thinking about this year, however, is something we tend to overlook in our goal setting, but is a key factor in our happiness – our relationships, especially our most intimate ones.  If we have a partner who we are generally happy with, we tend to take it for granted, and if we are unhappy, we can develop a helpless attitude that leads to a blaming mindset.  So in this week’s post, I invite us to do some thinking about our most intimate connection and explore some ways we can attend to our relationship health.

One of the biggest challenges in relationship is to love someone for who they are, and not who we want them to be.  Even when we are probably pushing for change out of love, as in seeing someone’s potential and wanting them to achieve it, this type of thinking can lead to an attitude of judgment.  Our loved one can feel criticized and it it can lead to insecurities that are painful.  In the long run, nagging or pressuring someone to change tends to backfire.  In truth, when someone feels loved and valued, they are most open to taking some risks and adopting new attitudes or behaviors.  Making sure we express the gratitude and love for someone just as they are is a worthy resolution.

Don’t forget to see the good.  Recognize that while you may have differences, there is much you share in common.  Just as we often overlook what is habitual, we tend to overlook all the ways in which our relationship is working and the core values that hold people together.  Making a conscious effort to affirm what is good and what you respect about your partner is a helpful balance to the nagging frustrations of day to day life.  Remembering that your husband is a spiritual person with good intentions may be important to you, even if he does not practice the same rituals or religion you do.  Or maybe your husband doesn’t love to watch football the way you do, but he is an athletically minded person who likes to hike with you.  Our attitudes are often shaped by what we focus on.  As a gift to yourself, resolve to focus on what is positive in your relationship.

And finally, in thinking about how to support our relationships in the New Year, be your partner’s trusted ally.  The world is full critics, at work, at school, maybe even by other family members or friends. While you may not agree with everything your partner says or does, be sure to be the person who gives them the benefit of the doubt.   Make sure you are respecting your partner to other people.  You are not responsible for your partner’s behavior, but rather than throwing them under the bus, do what you can to make them look good or respect their difference of opinion.  It builds intimacy in a relationship when you know someone has your back.

So starting this New Year, put some thought into some relationship bad habits that need attending to, just as much as a mindful reset of your eating or drinking habits.  Avoid the traps of whining and complaining, or siding with someone else, such as your child, in order to be the hero.  These are cheap ways to make ourselves feel good in the moment.  In the long run, relationship health has a big impact on overall life satisfaction.  It’s truly worth the time to institute some healthy relationship habits in this fresh start to the year.

A Gift For Yourself This Holiday

This being December 25th, many of you woke up early and have already opened some pretty sweet gifts.  In the spirit of giving, I can’t help but share with you some recent research I read that really got my attention.  It offers you a simple way to change your behavior to give you a longer life, less risk of cancer, better mental health, and a lower risk of dementia.  This simple behavior change costs you nothing, but will give you so much.  I was so affected by this research, as a gift to me this holiday, I ask that you please read this week’s blog and consider the information for yourself.

In my work, when people come to see me and I ask them about their sleep, they are often embarrassed and think something is wrong because they need 8 or 9 hours of sleep (but of course rarely get that much).  They wonder if they have a sleep disorder or if they are depressed because they seem to need more sleep than other people.  No, I say, eight hours is the normal amount of sleep everyone should be getting, but as they are finding, is so hard to do.

In his new book, Why We Sleep, author and University of Berkeley neuroscientist Matthew Walker writes about what he considers a national crisis of sleep deprivation.  We as a modern culture pride ourselves in needing less sleep, in doing more with our time, and react as if needing sleep is a weakness.  According to Walker, in 1942 less than 8% of the population was trying to get by on 6 hours of sleep or less.  In 2017, nearly 50% of people do.  He believes the shift has to do with having access to light throughout the night, and stimulation, especially from phones, computers, and televisions.  In addition, the borders around work have diminished in addition to longer commute times.  No one wants to give up family or fun time, so we give up sleep instead.  (I know so many women who tell me that the only “alone’ time they get is after everyone else is asleep.)  And we are a more anxious society, that has higher rates of depression and loneliness, to which we use alcohol and caffeine to compensate.  

So here is some of Walker’s findings that might put you to bed.  After just one night of four or five hours of sleep, your natural killer cells, the ones that attack cancer cells that appear in your body every day, drop by 70%.  This is why a lack of sleep is linked to cancer of the bowel, prostate, and breast.  In fact, more than 20 large scale epidemiological studies all report a clear relationship that the shorter you sleep, the shorter you will live. For example, one study shows that with less than 6 hours of sleep a night, adults age 45 years or older are 200% more likely to have a heart attack or stroke in their lifetime compared with people who get seven or eight hours.  (Part of the reason has to do with blood pressure.  Just one night of modest sleep will speed the rate of a person’s heart, hour upon hour, and increase blood pressure).  A lack of sleep also interrupts your body’s control of blood sugar.  The cells of sleep deprived individuals appear to become less responsive to insulin and thus cause a pre-diabetic state of hyperglycemia.  This, together with the fact that inadequate sleep decreases the level of the satiety signalling hormone leptin and increases levels of hunger, both cause weight gain.  Tiredness also affects motivation; most often to exercise, eat healthy, and avoid other not so good for us substances.

Sleep has a powerful effect on the immune system.  We restore and repair our body when we sleep, and a chronic lack of it not only wears down our body, but chronically undermines its restoration and repair.  When you are ill, your body seeks sleep in order to fight off the disease.  Recent research shows that in deep sleep, our brains actually clean themselves of amyloid deposits, the toxic protein linked to dementia.  And overall, sleep increases our ability  to learn.  Dreaming states are actually linked to creativity and deep sleep seems to be when our minds process memories.

So what is a tired person to do?  Walker recommends setting an alarm that tells you when to go to sleep.  Just as we set an alarm to wake, we should set one to go to bed.  He also recommends trying to stick to the same schedule as close as possible every night.  Our bodies become very sensitive to sleep patterns, sending out signals when sleep time is approaching.  Pulling late nights, or the worst of all, all nighters, throws your body chemistry completely off.  In response, our bodies send out all kinds of hormonal and neurological messages that something needs to be attended to (the fight flight response) which can create great stress on our body and our psyche.  Walker is so alarmed by the population trends of sleep loss, that he goes so far as recommending sweeping changes in work site norms and home life culture.  He would love to see pubic health or workplace billboards that advocates nothing more than sleep.  He truly believes that we need to shift our priorities and actually incentivize sleep.

So tonight when you go to bed, and its lights out, really make sure the lights are out.  It will be so tempting to try your latest gadget or catch up on Christmas day facebook posts.  Darken your room, keep it cool and comfortable, and close your eyes.  Rest is great medicine for all that ails you.  Think of poor Santa.  If he only  got more sleep, he just might be able to fit through more chimneys!

Ok, I couldn’t resist:

Go Ahead, Make Some Enemies!

Say what, you may ask?  After all of these blog posts encouraging tolerance and being open minded to other and to all parts of yourself, you are writing to encourage us to make enemies?  Especially now, during hte holiday season?  Well, actually, yes.  Based on research I recently read about how we tend to thrive when we have a nemesis, I hereby not only approve, but encourage you to make an enemy, use it to help you improve, and have some fun with it!

In order to make progress in any goal, you have to make some changes.  And change, if meaningful, creates enemies – either within you or around you.  Change creates discomfort, and with it, there will be a natural push back to keep the status quo.  These enemies of change can be simply our own inner critic with words of self doubt,  a cigarette pack on the store shelf when you are trying to quit, or a tv commercial  luring you to snack on sweets.  

Research shows, and we know from our own experience, that we are very responsive to a good rivalry – your team versus the other, your party versus the opposition party, etc.  Besides the sense of belonging we crave as a tribal people, rivalry defines us.  When we choose a rival, we clarify the distinctions between us and we more clearly define ourselves.  Having a rival also pushes us to improve and to stick to our goals.  Would we have made it to the moon without the space race?  Would here be a Muhammed Ali without a Joe Frasier?  A rival can keep you focused on your improvements and drive you to maximize your potential.  

So in thinking about any goal or change, I am sure you can think of a few potential enemies that will no doubt get in the way.  If you are trying to write or complete a project, procrastination may be your enemy.  If you are trying to eat healthier, the donuts that your co-worker brings in every Friday may set you back.  Or, as many of us find, our own inner critic may be our worst enemy, with self hating statements that eat away at our confidence.  By identifying these threats to our goal as our rival, we create a distance from them.  And when we are tempted by them, we can identify their tricky lure as a way to get one over on us!  (I had someone in my quit smoking class that thought of cigarettes as the devil.  Each time he had a craving, he told himself that he was “no longer going to dance with that devil.”)

So, procrastination, I see you in that newspaper longing for me to leave the computer and read you!  And donut, looking so full of yummy frosting, you will not beat out my morning healthy routine.  And the shame I feel in mixing up a meeting time, beware.  I will not let you get the best of me this time, and not let you take over my self confidence today.  I am strong and I can do battle against my enemies of temptation and old patterns!  I am a healthier habit warrior!  Care to join my team?  I  bet we can have some pretty cool uniforms!


Thanksgiving and Giving Thanks

Like many people, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday:  great food, togetherness, and very little commercialism. I also really love a holiday in which we take the time to think of all we have to be thankful for.  Most of us know by now the many psychological and health benefits of expressing and cultivating gratitude (the famous gratitude list in which each night you write down things you are grateful for really does decrease depression and increase positive feelings) from the field of positive psychology.  But I am thinking bigger about being thankful this year.  I feel the urge not only be thankful, but to truly give thanks.  Showing people that I appreciate them is such an easy thing to do, makes people feel so good, and yet, most all of us don’t do it as often as we could.

First I can start with just noticing things and saying words of thanks.  Over time I fall into routines with people, especially with my family.  I learn to expect certain things as part of our day to day living and the give and take of family life.  I could go out of my way to really say thanks and notice the little things that people do because of the bonds we have with one another.  I can see my husband’s hauling the trash down our hill as more than just a chore, but as a way that he shows us our family matters to him.  I can truly recognize how grateful I am to my friend who meets me each week to hike, even when it makes it hard on her schedule for us to go together.  

Another thing I can do to give thanks is to do something to be helpful.  I could appreciate being cooked for by doing dishes, or express my thanks to a neighbor by pulling in their trash cans.  I remember years ago, in our old house, our neighbor across the street mowed our lawn for us, without saying anything, just because he knew we did it every Sunday.  Sometimes those unexpected encounters, where we show someone we notice them by doing something to help them, makes us all feel more connected.   

And how about just listening?   We all underestimate how hard it is, but know how amazing it feels, to have someone just listen.   I am so quick to interrupt, give advice, or check my phone while someone is talking, without even realizing it.    Time and attention literally cost me nothing, and yet, they are the most precious commodities.  So many misunderstandings happen because people are so concerned with being heard, that they can’t really listen.  

So this year as Thanksgiving passes, I want to make sure my good intentions last longer than the five pounds I’ve gained.  I want to go beyond the words of gratitude I shared around the table before the meal (and before the NY Giants got beaten) and put my words into action.  It literally takes so little to make someone else feel so big.



Survivor Guilt

I have been hearing the words “survivor guilt” a lot lately from people in my community who survived the fire with their family and home intact.  They feel uncomfortable with their good fortune, as if they have something to feel badly about; as if their good fortune and other people’s bad fortunes were somehow related.  Survivor guilt is a common feeling after a tragic event, and adds a layer of suffering that also needs our attention for healing.

The term survivor guilt came from those who worked with Holocaust survivors.  Although they made it out of the horror of the Concentration camps, survivors often became depressed from the burden of knowing that so many millions did not.  It was also found in Veterans who made it home from war when their brothers in arms were killed or injured and in many people after 9/11.  SInce then, the concept of survivor guilt has been applied to a broad range of situations where people feel a burden from a comparison with someone close to them who has experienced a misfortune from which they were spared, such as surviving a disease, a car accident, or even drug abuse.

It can be hard to understand how someone who should be grateful can actually feel burdened, even for some to the point of having thoughts that they wish they, too, had died.  Even for the individual themselves, their mind tells them that they should be happy and make the most of their lives, but their psyche cannot let go of feeling guilty.  Researchers theorize that survival guilt represents our mind’s need to feel a sense of control, not able to accept the randomness or lack of control or influence that we have over our lives. Instead, we feel a sense of responsibility, as if there was something we should have or could have done to alter fate.  It is our mind’s effort to believe that life should be fair and therefore we, too, should suffer.

People who feel responsible for others, whether through a position of authority (leader, parent) or in an emotionally caretaking role are most vulnerable to survivor’s guilt.  Even children of alcoholics who often take the role of the caretaker in a dysfunctional family, can grow up with a sense of survivor guilt that ties them to unhealthy relationships.  Survivor’s guilt is the burden of an inflated sense of responsibility, as if your survival or good fortune was at the expense of someone else’s suffering.

I must confess that as I look up the hill from my home to the empty space of my mother’s home, I feel  twinges of survivor’s guilt.  It’s a pain very familiar to me in my earlier years.  As my sister struggled in her life, it was hard for me feel happy.  Even after her passing, each milestone, completing graduate school, getting married, and having children, was layered with a deep sadness I could not get a handle on.  It was as if there was not enough good fortune to go around, and my having good things happen was somehow at her expense.  I carried an overblown sense of responsibility, in some ways a child like understanding of my being at the center of all that happened around me.  It was a long and profound process of healing for me, that involved much forgiveness and letting go.  I can now be sad and grieve her loss, missing her sense of humor and wishing she could meet my daughters, without feeling guilty.

Healing from survivor’s guilt involves accepting that bad things happen, even to good people.  It also involves expanding our tolerance for having incompatible feelings, the absolute joy of gratitude together with the pain of grief.  One feeling does not negate the other.  Because you are grateful and joyous to be alive, does not mean you are not genuinely sad and compassionate for someone else’s loss.  It involves accepting that we are all vulnerable, and at times completely helpless. That although we wish we did more, or did things differently, there is nothing we can do to change a tragedy.  The best we can do is to make our lives meaningful and honor the memories of those we love and those we continue to live for.

The older I get, the more I understand that no one goes through life unscarred and unscathed.  We will all have our time for both good fortune and tragedy.  Our lives are not scorecards, where some people end up winners and others losers.  We all have relative burdens that tend to even out over our lifetimes. When I am the lucky one, that is the time to use my strength and resources to help other people with their burdens.  For certainly the tables will be turned, and I will need to lean on someone else, who will then be the lucky one, to help me get through.

Note – I came across a treatment group for Veterans that I was very moved by.  It is a group for combat survivors experiencing survivor guilt.  In the group, each member shared their story and their sense of burden,  “confessing” their mistakes as leaders or soldiers that they can never undo.  The group listens and contemplates, and then makes a ruling regarding the culpability of the member.  Along with this, they give the Veteran an act of penance that they must do to be absolved of their burden.  The focus is to help each member, with the judgment of their peers, to experience a realistic sense of culpability and then to move it through by taking action.

From the Ashes…

 A picture taken on the side of my house.

This past week, many of the neighborhoods that had burned to the ground in my hometown opened to the public again. Personally I have been sifting through the pit of gray soot and ash that was my mother’s house, looking for whatever we can recover of her belongings. Nothing is more humbling than witnessing the power of fire. Plastic, wood, metal, and even stone are disintegrated in its wake.  As I drive through the streets that were the bustling neighborhoods of my friends, I am deeply stricken by a profound experience of impermanence.

It is no wonder that ashes are a symbol of repentance and humility: ashes to ashes.  There is a ghostly feeling as you witness the complete annihilation of the rows of dwellings we don’t just call home, but where we feel home.  With houses destroyed, displacement happens, neighborhoods and families torn apart.  For me, my mother had to move thousands of miles away.  For a dear friend, because of health issues, her family has had to split up to keep her husband away from the potentially unhealthy environment.  Students struggle to attend classes now that they are homeless.  Life becomes unbearably chaotic when even the basic necessities become a challenge.  At our local Junior College, hundreds of young students are dropping out, too burdened with finding a place to sleep and with no notes or binders to study from. Even in the high school choir concert we attended last night, the performers wore polo shirts and jeans, because the formal wear of so many students is gone.  My daughter notices how many of her fellow students now wear the same shoes and jackets day after day.

The layers of losses to our community are staggering.  And the pain ripples out to the stress of others feeling so inadequate and useless to be of help, no matter how much we would like to be.  There are no words that can make things better or bring back what has been destroyed. Profound loss changes us.  I have heard the term Zero Point used in grief groups.  The Zero Point is the instant everything changed, from which every future event would be dated and every previous plan or expectation had to be mourned.  Attachment is the root of suffering, Buddha teaches.  Healing involves an intense process of letting go.

And yet, already on our hill, green grass is poking through the charred cinders of burned foliage.  In my local coffee shop, tables are filled with people reviewing architectural plans and FEMA tents and United Way donation centers pop up around town on a daily basis.  It will take a long, long  time to clean up and rebuild, and some may never be able to replace what they have lost. But for all of us survivors, our lives will inevitably move forward, as nothing stays the same.  We will forever be both blessed and burdened with with a new understanding that will rise from the ashes.  A friend who lost everything in a flood several years back told me, while it was a hellish period of her life, the blessing was that possessions never had as much power over her again.  The experienced bereaved will tell you with great wisdom that the Zero Point is not just an ending, but also a beginning.  


Spreading like Wildfire…

This is a picture of part of our hill as you drive up from the road.

Note the sign from CAL FIRE…it did not burn.


This was written last Sunday the 13th of October:

I don’t have any answers this week.  No tips, no tools, not even much inspiration.  And instead of offering you something, in fact, I am asking something of you instead.  It has been a long two weeks.  Ones I could have never predicted and still can’t wrap my mind around.  So today, I ask of you to be my witness as I simply tell you my story.  I can’t even think of how to make any sense of things, I merely write, as I often write, to search for the right questions.

Two weeks ago this Monday morning I woke to the news of a mass shooting.  I was terriby saddened, but then I learned it was in Las Vegas, the city my husband had gone to for work the day before.  Then I heard it was in the Mandelay Bay hotel, the exact location of my husband’s trade show.  I ran to get my phone, and during the long minutes of finding it, and then having to charge it, I prayed for his safety.  What seemed unthinkable was luckily not true for me, my husband was ok.  And after the wave of relief washed over me, I suddenly felt an immediate and intense connection to all the other people, frantically searching for someone they love, without hearing the reassuring words I was blessed to recieve, “I am safe,” to follow.  It became an intense week for our nation, as we learned of the enormity of the terrorism and brutality.  I continued to feel a strong connection to the victims and their families, as I was so lucky that my husband was not in the wrong place at the wrong time, yet was so near to being so.  A close call, but the razor thin difference between complete relief and total devastation.

And then the following Monday past, another shock.  We woke to the sound of our phone ringing, my father in law, warning us of a wildfire.  We went outside and smelled intense smoke, saw a bright red sky right beyond our hill.  We woke the rest of the house, called up to the home  behind our home, to awaken the night caregiver to prepare my mother to leave,  I threw as many photographs, memorabelia and important papers as I could into our cars.  By the time we drove up to put my mother in the car, the power was out and the area of glowing red sky was growing larger.  The winds were swirling and blowing so hard, the smoke was making it hard to breathe.  We drove down our dirt road and then down the windy mountain road to the base of our mountain.  From there we could see flames all along the hillside.  At this point we were a caravan of cars, and friends were texting their own evacuatons and informing us where to go.  We went to an evacuation center at the Santa Rosa Veterans Building, as another one had already filled up.  My mother, still in her pajamas, had only her purse, the few medications I could grab, and the clothes on her back.  She is wheelchair bound and totally dependent.  

We watched as people came in droves to the center, a menagerie joining us of people, pets, dogs, and even some rabbits.  The fear was rising as the place began to quickly fill and people shared stories and pieces of incomplete news and rumors.  The enormity of the situation was only beginning to surface.  The noise of barkng dogs was getting louder, and my mother, so very weak in her voice, could not be heard.  We made our way to our synagogue, close to the Vets building,  where we could find a place for my mother to get some food and water.  As we sat, waiting for the sun to rise, more and more people joined us, watching and counting the vast number of fires that were spreading and flaring up all around the city we loved.  

Dawn seemed like it never came, as the sky remained so very dark, filled with the thick black smoke of consumption. Eventually we could see the entire hill on which our house resides was behind that wall of thick black smoke.  A friend, awoken to the news of the blaze, beckoned us to join them in their home which was not yet in an evacuation area.  With gratitude we caravaned there.  It was such a great a relief to find shelter, and luckily it was a one story home for the wheelchair, where we could let my mother lay down.  We all gathered with our laptops and cell phones around the radio, listening for updates and news of any kind.

Fortunately, over and over the texts began coming through, with the three most beloved words you desire, “We are safe.”  As the day progressed, and the fires spread, we sat in shock and horror, glued to our phones checking in on people we loved.  Over and over again we sighed great breathes of relief as words of safety kept pouring in.

But then, as the day transitioned, unimaginable images of destruction began to surface.  An entire community at Coffey Park, just a few blocks from my husband’s business, was gone.  Mobile home parks, hotels, restuarants, and then another neighborhood on Fountaingrove Parkway, all completely destoyed and still burning.  We began to learn of ones dear to us finding out their homes were gone, they barely making it out alive.  By the afternoon we could begin to see the burned remnants of the hillside we lived on emerge.  My husband and I ventured out, and even though our road was closed, we hiked the two miles up.  We just had to know what was left.  We walked up Calistoga Road, an apocolyptic scene around us; blackened landscape, embers smoking here and there, and flames still burning on tree stumps or fence posts.  As we reached the top of our ridge, the first we saw was our row of mailboxes, strewn along the ground  completely burned.  The book I had recieved from Amazon, the one for book club, was sticking out of the flattened box, charred.  The pages discintegrated to ash when I picked it up.  We began the long trek up our dirt road, at least a quarter of a mile of self talk, reminding myself that we were safe, that things were just things. It looked like a scene from a distant planet, the views in every direction of black nothingness and charred boulders where tall willowy grass once stood.  A lone jackrabbit scampered across the desolation.  I worried that he was scared, lonely, and hungry.

As we turned the corner at the top of our road, I began to cry, as the windows of our house came into view.  It was there, a miracle, still standing with the lavendar blowing in the breeze in front of our front steps.  We ran through the house with such gratitude.  It wasn’t about the things, I realized, it was about the love.  The love in our home, the memories we shared together there, the kitchen where we cook and celebrate together, the post we marked with the heights of our growing girls, the house we built with every penny and prayer we had and filled with a family and years of first steps and first words, and so many of the big talks, important news, family meetings, and times of tears and laughter.  It was all there, the rooms of our children, the pearl necklace my grandmother gave me, and the painting my friend had created just for us.  Our sanctuary where I love to watch the sunrise from the kitchen each morning and the moon rise each night was still alive with the pulse of our family.

I looked further up the hill and was relieved to see a buidling.  But as I stepped closer, I began to realize there should have been two.  The garage of my mother’s house was there, but the home, her home where she moved to be with us in her late stage of illness was completely gone.  Ash, rubble and cinder. We walked close to it, the heat coming from it still quite intense.  I began to sob as I thought of all that my mother had lost.  Her daughter, her husband, her health and her home of 40 years when she moved to join us in CA.  She had widdled her entire life of belongings and memorabelia down to a few precious heirlooms that contained the memories of the person she was when she could walk and when she could talk. The painting from her father’s home, the sculpture from Israel when she met Eli Weisel, the Nobel Laureate, the award she had been given for her years of volunteer work, all the reminders of who she had been were suddenly gone.  Breaking the news to her was one of the hardest things I have had to do, second only to telling her that my sister had died.  She was silent.  Not the kind of silence from her lack of ability to speak, but the kind of someone retreating into their inner world to find some kind of equilibrium.  “I know this all is not ok, Mom, but please, wiggle your finger if you’re doing ok.”  Slowly her index finger began to move.  Getting her to give me a thumbs up or thumbs down was the only real communication I had with her for the rest of the week.

As we began to sit with the complexity of our emotions, the gratitude that we had been so lucky, and the grief that my mother had not, was surreal.  The sirens were still blaring, the sound of helicopters became constant as more and more fireman began to convene on our city, including the National Guard.  And slowly in the days to come, more news of loss began to accumulate.  Dear friends had been away, only to learn from afar of the complete loss of their home, with no chance to save anything at all  Their home, like second home for us, was where I had so many memories as well, of their son’s birth through the 19 years to their mother’s memorial.  How many meals and card games and holidays we had shared together there.  And then other friends, sharing the news and images when they were able to find out the status of their homes.  

I was overwhelmed with a sense of complete helplessness.  I felt paralyzed with the enormity of how many people were left with nothing of their lives, their own beloved sanctuaries.  “We are safe,” we all kept reassuring each other, until news came of the casualties.  The older couples, the middle age man, and then the teenager.  It was all too much.  And during this time, we couldn’t get any caregivers.  They had either been evacuated themselves or could not make it.  Caring for my mother was now my full time job, making sure she was getting enough fluid, getting a pharmacy to refill her medications, dressing and tending to her every need, trapped in her silence.  I barely could be in touch with my work, fortunately located one town over from the burning fires, as my hands were so full.  But I was proud of my team as I learned they were tending to many of the people evacuated from the Santa Rosa hospitals.  We were sending our Behavioral Health staff to shelters and evacuation centers.  We were offering support in the time of need.  I felt sad to be separate from all the important work.

And then I read the names of victims.  There was a couple I knew.  It had been a few years since I had seen them, but the thought of their passing, in the way that it had happened, immediately haunted me.  We are safe, I kept telling myself.  My family is safe, our closest loved ones are safe.  So many stories of close calls, near misses, and lucky breaks.  I had to focus on the positive.  And the love of the community was amazing.  The outpouring of people’s e-mails, offers of help and love really made a difference.

And now I sit, reflecting on all of this as I am flying back to California.  It became obvious I could not manage my mother’s care in our current situation without her home and any schedule of caregivers.  So much of what made it work in California was gone, she needed more than I could offer for now.  So bless my brother and sister-in-law, they opened their home, and yesterday I flew with my mother to VA.  Strange to be away from Santa Rosa, with the normalcy of life so effortlessly moving on, but so relieved to be taking her somewhere safe.  My heart is aching as I fly away from her.  When she moved out here, although it has been so very difficult these past three years, and I have been tested in my patience (sometimes lacking!), there was meaning in what I was offering her, a place to pass in the peace of her own space, as she strongly desired.  Now this was gone as well.

But life does go on, and we are resilient as human merely beings (as ee cummings once wrote).  Amazingly the blackened hills will be green again by Spring, when the rain comes, and people will begin to rebuild.  We will remember and honor the deceased as best we all can.  For now, when the plane lands, I need to focus on what I can do to help, and how I can begin to help the healing, for my family and my friends. Tomorrow I will return to work, and I look forward to running a group for kids coping with the crisis.  

And as always, in helping them I will help myself. Because in a world so full of danger – hurricanes slamming into landfall, crazed shooters aiming from on high, threats of nuclear war from careless leaders, and now, the rapid spreading savagery of wildfire, we need to all help each other cope.  I will reassure the children that being scared is normal.  That wanting to cling tightly to those we love is a healthy response.  And that being angry and irritable, distracted, and clumsy, numb and tearful are all totally normal ways to feel in times like these.  But amidst all the outer and inner chaos, we need to find some kind of comfort and care. If we can focus on our breathing, if we can hold eachother tightly, and remind ourselves that in this moment, the very moment of now, we are safe, we can feel our body’s resiliency and the blessing of the love that makes our  lives meaningful.  

If I can pull myself together and offer this little something to someone, anyone, tomorrow, for me it will be a better day.