The weather has been really bleak for much of the season, all across the country.  I know for me, and many other people, it makes the idea of exercise really unappealing.  Going for a walk or even getting to the gym is just hard to do when it’s cold, snowy, or rainy.  Even though I know I won’t melt or get frostbite, it just feels unpleasant and makes the alternative of staying put under a cozy blanket much more appealing.  So when I came across this large new study on the benefits of exercise for mental health, I thought it best to share it as a good source of motivation.  What I like best is that even a small amount of movement was beneficial and equaled or even bettered the effectiveness of standard treatments for common mental health issues.

Scientists in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Germany, completed a meta analysis review of over 41 studies including 2264 participants.  What was unique about this study was the inclusion of only studies that assigned subjects who scored positively on a depression screening measure to either an exercise or control group of non exercise, which had been a large criticism of past studies on exercise and depression.  What was surprising is not that exercise was beneficial for mental health, but how powerful the effect was.  “We found large, significant results,” said the lead author of the study, Andreas Heissel.  The findings show you don’t have to run marathons or train strenuously to benefit.  “Something is better than nothing.”  The results of the study were so strong, the authors noted the effect of exercise was not only equal to, but sometimes better than, the effects of medication or psychotherapy.  Thus exercise could be included as a front line treatment option for depression without the major obstacles of side effects or access to treatment.

Other studies on the benefits of exercise show positive impacts on other areas of mental health, including reducing symptoms of  ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia.  It also relieves stress, improves memory and people who exercise at least a few times a week report benefits in an overall sense of well being.   There are several reasons why exercise is a powerful tool.  Most significantly it produces changes in brain chemistry, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new brain activity patterns that promote a sense of calm.  It also releases endorphins, the powerful feel good chemicals that give you energy and positive feelings.  Physical activity immediately increases the brain’s dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin levels, all related to increasing focus and attention.  Plus, exercise can serve as a distraction, allowing you time away from your thoughts and what may be stressing you.  

More recent work in the area of trauma recovery has highlighted the benefits of movement.  Evidence suggests that by focusing on your body and how it feels as you exercise, you can actually help your nervous system become “unstuck” and begin to move out of the immobilization stress response that characterizes PTSD.  Exercise that involves cross body movement and that engages both arms and leg movements (such as walking, swimming, running or dancing) has especially beneficial effects.   When we engage in any cross lateral movement, we encourage one hemisphere of the brain to communicate with the other.  This boosts neural activity across the corpus callosum, increasing neuroplasticity and forming neural pathways.  This corresponds directly to emotional resilience, problem solving, and emotional regulation.

So with all this benefit, why is it hard to get us to move?  Often the very symptoms we are seeking to relieve are the barriers to engagement.  When we are depressed, anxious, or stressed, we lack motivation and the ability to see the potential positives.  Our symptoms paralyze us, keeping us stuck in a loop or doubting our own ability to change.  So often, the first step in engaging people in exercise is helping them find an activity that is more likely to be engaged in and to bring some enjoyment.  This may mean listening to music or a podcast during a walk, joining up with another person or pet, or trying something completely new, like a class at a gym or video on line.  

I’m thinking it also would help to understand the scientific benefit and how the mechanisms of exercise work.  Rather than thinking of exercise as another thing you should do, like cleaning your room or doing the dishes, we can approach exercise as treatment.  Surely these studies suggest that this is an appropriate and viable attitude and conclusion.  If we “dose” ourselves with a walk or bike ride, we may be more willing to stick with it and incorporate it into our day. And in time, we may even look forward to it.  Understanding the science behind taking a pill or going to the doctor motivates us to do it.  The same should be true for exercise.  Even if it’s a dreary day outside, you still need to take your medicine!


I’m a little tired this morning, but happy.  Springing the clocks forward always makes me feel better as the daylight is longer and Spring is just about here.  Like many, though, during the winter, when it’s dark and cold, I tend to accumulate messy piles and disorganized clutter.  The term Spring Cleaning comes to mind as a ritual we use to come out of the winter and lighten our load, both physically and mentally.  Research is clear that household clutter can be both a cause and a result of stress and depression.  So here’s some thoughts on the connection between mental health and clutter and what we can do to get our surroundings under better control.

Videos of cleaning up a “depression room” have been a recent trend on TikTok and YouTube.  The term is so accurate in describing how people experiencing depression often have such fatigue that even simple tasks seem daunting.  Brad Schmidt, a professor at Florida State University, distinguishes this from laziness or hoarding.  People with mental health issues are often “just so mentally and physically exhausted that they don’t feel they have the energy to engage with house cleaning and upkeep that they once had.”  But then a messy home can contribute to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and shame, making them feel worse.

In addition to depression rooms, another recent term that’s become popular because it so accurately describes the clutter/stress connection is a “doom pile.”  Often people who are extremely stressed, have ADHD or other issues that affect executive function, experience decision fatigue.  Clutter begins to accumulate as people become overwhelmed with all of the decisions of what to do with things, so they just leave it to later and things pile up.    

Clutter can impact your physical space by literally making it smaller.  Using precious space for things you “might” need or are not sure what to do with takes away from space that could actually be used in more effective ways.  In addition, the clutter can make it more difficult to find things and leads people to double or triple up on things they already have, adding even more to the amount of stuff they have! Of course, not everyone is affected by clutter in the same way. For example, research shows people with more perfectionistic tendencies are more likely to be bothered by clutter. But all of us, research shows, are vulnerable to the negative effects of clutter on emotional well being. 

Clutter tends to be associated with increased levels of stress.  Our homes should be a place where we can rest and relax, but clutter can interfere with this.  One study found that women who reported more clutter in their homes had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol throughout the day compared to women with less clutter.  It’s easy to be distracted by clutter and have difficulty focusing.  Our brains only have a limited ability to focus, and so clutter can make it harder to think clearly.  It also can interfere with the ability to accomplish things.  If you have to dig through piles of paper to find something you need, or stacks of laundry to get dressed for an outing, the overwhelm at just getting started can lead to procrastination or avoidance.  And with all of that stress, it is no wonder that a cluttered environment can actually lead to relationship conflict.  The increased stress level combined with the conflicts over one person’s stuff taking up too much space can be a source for ongoing difficulty.  If you don’t feel good about your home environment, you may not invite people over or be stressed when someone wants to come visit.

One aspect of the research I found particularly interesting was the link between clutter and difficulty controlling impulses.  Studies find that people in a cluttered environment tend to adopt an “out of control mind set” that triggers unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating choices and health behaviors.  Research suggests that it can be more difficult to control your impulses when you are in a chaotic environment.  People who described living in a cluttered environment actually report less overall life satisfaction as they tend to experience a low level of constant frustration in completing tasks and a chronic sense of shame and self criticism.  

Ok, now that I have made the case to declutter, why does it seem so hard? Besides the fatigue in keeping up with daily chores, there are some underlying themes to the psychology of clutter.  One theme is the difficulty in letting go.  Often objects remind us of important things.  We keep clothes that are too small in the hope it will inspire us to lose weight.  We keep travel brochures with the idea that we want to plan a big vacation.  Or things can represent emotional connections we want to hold on to, such as memories of our childhood or of someone we love who is no longer alive.  It’s easy to feel guilty if we get rid of something, especially when it has sentimental value.  Holding on to a possession can bring a sense of security or safety, with the fear that the connection and comfort will be lost if we discard it.

So how do we overcome these emotional and physical hurdles to free ourselves from clutter?  Most experts agree, take it slowly.  The idea of decluttering your entire home can be itself very stressful.  Besides the time it takes, emotionally it is much more complicated than just throwing things away and tidying up.  It can be helpful to set a goal of how much time you will spend on each room of your house (two weeks in your bedroom, one week in the laundry room, etc.).  Divide and conquer.  First start with things that are easy, like taking out dirty dishes, trash or laundry.  Then make four sets of piles: one for things that are easy to discard (like old papers), one for things you definitely want to keep, one for things you will donate, and one for things that you are uncertain about that you can decide later.  Having a friend to help can also help clarify decisions and reduce avoidance.

After you have gone through the sorting through phase, next comes the organization phase.  Lenore Brooks, an interior designer who became an expert at working with people to declutter, encourages her clients to notice the things they always seem to be cleaning up.  Then find better places for them to live, she says.  For example if you’re always finding your pens and papers on your couch, create a little desk area with a pen holder nearby.  Or if you have a lot of dishes that collect in your home office, get a tray to put them on and bring the tray to the kitchen at the end of each day.  KC Davis, author of “How to Keep Your House While Drowning” emphasizes maintaining a liveable space, not a spotless place.  She is a big advocate of what she calls “closing duties” inspired from her time as a waitress.  Develop a closing ritual for each day or activity that sets you up for the next day and helps maintain your decluttered environment on going.

But one of the best things you can do to maintain your decluttered environment is make sure to notice how you feel in your more ordered space.  Emphasizing what you have gained in your new space rather than what you have lost is so important for your well being.  Are you able to appreciate your home more or use all your furniture? Do you feel more at peace?  Is it easier to get started on things you need to do?  Is it fun to think about planning a social gathering rather than a terror?  And most importantly, can you invite your mother over for dinner now?  (Just a random idea…)