The inspiration for this post is a lovely gift my sister in law got us for the holiday, a snow globe. This lovely glass ball has a serene idyllic winter scene inside, with barren birch trees rooted in a light layer of fallen white snow. But when you pick it up and give it a shake, the globe comes to life with sparkling glitter, creating the movement and wonder of a magical swirling snow storm. It never fails to bring a smile to my face, watching the transformation from the stillness of a deadened winter day to an active and vibrant holiday spectacle.

It got me thinking about the act of shaking things up. What a great metaphor as we head into the winter solstice and the New Year. So many people find themselves in the doldrums, eating and sleeping like a bear transitioning to hibernation. We get lulled in our routines and stuck in the boredom of each day feeling like the next, passively waiting for Spring. But what if we could do something different now?
Unfortunately when most people feel stuck in a rut, they feel they have to make big changes, with drastic consequences. These are usually expensive and difficult, leaving us feeling denied or stuck in dreariness as we “come to our senses.” But not all change has to be so big and drastic in order to add a little bit of spice to our lives. Experts often find that even small little changes or actions can expand our horizons, increase our energy, and spark a sense of newness and wonder that leads to a creativity spark and a sense of renewal.
After an extensive review of the literature (ok, a few clicks on a google search), I have compiled a list of some ideas to consider giving a try:
–Ask a person you don’t know very well to coffee or lunch. For us introverts, this can seem daunting, but it can open up a new relationship and new conversations, expanding your world or at least your comfort zone
-Re-arrange your furniture. Sometimes, just shifting your existing space can make it feel new and fresh, orienting you to new views and perspectives
-Alter your schedule. By waking up early if you tend to sleep late, or vice versa, or even shifting the order of when you do what, you can get a new sense of energy in an old activity. Go for your walk in the brisk light of morning instead of doing it after a long day of work, for example.
–Take a class or try a new activity. There is so much DIY online, with little need to commit your time or supplies. Make a new cocktail or try to make soap, and then share it with your friends.
–Test drive a fun car. Have a thrill and take it for a spin.
-Plan an outing to a nearby destination. How often do out-of-town guests discover something right in our own backyard they found in a travel blog? Try looking at your own town through the eyes of a visitor.
–Talk to strangers. While standing on line at the store or checking your mail, ask someone how their day is or compliment their clothing. Engaging with people around us stimulates a bit of freshness in stale activities.
-Perform a Random Act of Kindness. I know it sounds cliche, but bringing someone flowers or paying the toll of the car behind can bring a little boost of adrenaline and endorphins to your brain. It literally gives you a high!
-Contact an old friend. Sometimes an old friend can bring back a new feeling of connection.
-Swap things with someone else. We can get bored with our own dishes or sweaters. Hosting a clothing or any kind of item swap can bring some laughs. Someone else’s old thing is our new thing.
-Try a different route. When we drive the same way to the same places all the time, we stop looking. Plan a little extra time and take a new route. You will notice more and maybe discover something new.
Okay, okay, you get the idea. None of these ideas are earth shattering (but they also won’t cause others to think you’re experiencing a mid-life crisis, either). But they are all activities that, with just a little effort, in some way promote a sense of newness or an opportunity to rediscover from a new perspective what is already there. But isn’t that the secret of the snow globe? No shattering is necessary to bring on the magic, just a good shake.
so many great ideas in your post. I plan to implement several of them and start before the solstice to shake things up! Happy Holidays!