I voted last week and boy did it feel good! So good, in fact, I wanted to keep the little “I Voted” sticker on for days and grab another one to wear on election day. The afterglow is still with me even now. It just feels like such a relief to finally have a chance to do something for change and to express my opinion about what has been going on the last four years.
Realistically, my vote matters very little. I live in California that tends to vote heavily blue and my one vote among so many millions is not going to be the deciding factor. Even knowing this, though, it still feels like I, personally, finally had my say! This got me thinking about the psychological benefits of voting. It turns out, according to the American Psychological Association and other political scientists, there is a measurable mental health benefit to voting.
Voting does in fact make you happy! Studies show people who vote have higher levels of happiness, likely because it makes you feel a part of a larger group. It ties you to your community and brings people together for a cause bigger than themselves. Voting is tied to a feeling of inner peace, largely related to having engaged in a pro-social activity. And most significantly, according to research, voting benefits mental health as it empowers people, giving you a voice in changing what is important to you.
“When you believe you are doing something that could make your life better, that’s where the most psychological benefits come in,” says Lynn Sanders, a political science professor at the University of Virginia. The act of voting transforms into an act of protest and an opportunity to stand up for what you believe in. Even if your candidate loses, having voted helps you cope better with the results. Marc Zimmerman, a researcher in voting behavior, finds that even if you don’t end up with your desired results, having participated makes you feel good. “We find people are happier with the outcome and they feel more in control of their lives if they voted, rather than feeling things don’t matter.” Even though the positive benefits of voting are better if your candidate or issues win, there are still positive psychological effects in that you were able to make your opinion known.
Research also shows the benefit for kids in watching their parents vote. Children become more involved in the issues and are more likely to engage in critical thinking when parents share their participation in the political process, even if the kids are too young to vote. They, too, feel a sense of increased control and empowerment when they believe their interests are being represented by their parents’ vote.

I have been so moved by the reports and images of people waiting in line for so many hours to vote (also appalled that this is happening in our country). It gives me hope that people care and want to be active in shaping our country. And selfishly, I must admit, in experiencing this great feeling, it makes me want to get and stay even more involved. Being politically engaged and active is something I could and should do all year round. This joy is cheaper than a vacation, less calories than ice cream, and lasts longer than a cocktail buzz. It also makes me feel grateful and humbled that I live in a country and a time where I have this right and privilege at all. So, please, do yourself a favor. If you haven’t already, make sure you vote. You’ll be happier because you did.